Saturday, January 26, 2008

Kagro Writes Reid and Pelosi a Speech

Kagro X has a great post on dKos today on the FISA foulup in Congress. He absolutely nails the response that Congress should have to Dumbfuck:

In August, Bush dictated the terms of the bill he wanted to Congress, and Congress (like the telecoms) rolled over for it, rather than delay their recess. Bush told them what he wanted in the bill, threatened to veto any bill that didn't have exactly what he wanted, and further threatened to use his constitutional powers to actually hold the Congress in session against its will until they passed the bill he wanted.

And in August, the Congress gave him what he wanted.

Fast forward to the present day, with that law now set to expire in February. Unsure of how to proceed on telecom amnesty (and remember, this is easy: the answer is no), the Senate offers to extend the law for an additional 30 days so that the Congress can work out a deal.

Bush's response?

"The president would veto a 30-day extension," a senior administration official said.

That's right. In August, this very bill was so important to Bush that he threatened to veto anything else, and to force the Congress to stay in session until they gave him the custom-built law he wanted.

Now, Congress offers to extend the very same law for 30 days, and Bush threatens to veto it. Yes, the same one he practically wrote himself, when he stomped his feet and held his breath back in August. Now that bill isn't good enough for him. And what's the difference between now and August? In August, we hadn't yet found out the details of how and the extent to which the "administration" had asked the telecoms to break the law on their say-so.

But now we know, and suddenly the law WATB Bush screamed his lungs out for in August is veto bait in January.

So here's the deal. The message to Bush here is, "F you. Do it. Veto this. Go ahead."

You're gonna veto the exact same law you swore to God we had to pass in August or we'd all die?

F you. Do it.

And it's not that I think you won't. You will. But f you, anyway.

You didn't bother asking for retroactive telecom amnesty in August, because you didn't need it. And you didn't need it because nobody had found out that you'd twisted their arms into breaking the law for you. That's why you're threatening to veto an extension of the only law you said in August would save our lives.

By your own claims, you'd be playing with the lives of the Americans you're charged with protecting. Either you were lying in August (and now everyone knows you were), or you're aiding and abetting terrorism now.

Take your pick, moron.

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