Friday, December 07, 2007

Fight or Flight?

The more I look at news coming out of Bu$hCo, here in the waning days, with the wheels flying off in all directions, the more I wonder how many Bushistas will reside inside the U.S. by the end of Jan '09, and where the ones that leave will go.

It becomes more and more obvious that Bu$hCo is not just an evil mess, it's a criminal operation that puts the mob to shame (hey, did Joey Banana ever have nuke-you-ler weapons?!?!?!?) RICO, anyone? With a Dem Congress and a Dem Administration come 2009 (barring a miracle of nativity proportions to save the Repugs), which means a Dem controlled Justice Dept, D.C., and the U.S. generally, may not be such a nice place for former Bushies to be, what with all those subpoenae flying through the air.

The problem is, at some point, as truth comes out, the Hague is going to start getting VERY interested in some of these guys, and NOT being in the U.S. could be damaging to their well-being (life in solitary is hard on the health!) So, as we head into the holiday season, let us spare a moment to pity these poor RICO-ettes; instead of singing holiday songs with the rest of us, they're crooning, 'Should I stay or should I go? If I go, there will be trouble, an' if I stay, it will be double...'

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