Thursday, February 02, 2006

Baby Steps

For those that were frantic over it, your Congresspersons are now safe from those VILE and oh so mysterious lobbyists. At least while Sweatin' to the Oldies.

House Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier (R-Calif.), after a three-hour huddle with his Republican colleagues, announced that he would introduce legislation that "will underscore the fact that the Republican Party has been and continues to be the party of reform." And what would this weighty reform entail? "A ban for registered lobbyists who are former members of Congress from having access to the floor of the House and to the House gymnasium," Dreier announced solemnly.

Wow! The vision! The awe-inspiring reach of the legislation. That'll teach those bastards to try and corrupt OUR Republic!

(You'll have to figure out who the bastards are on your own... I've lost my scorecard and given trying to figure it myself)

The Repugs delayed announcing their full plan (what? Lobbyists won't be able to use the bathroom?) till next week. If this is what they came up with after a six week recess, I don't think another week is gonna help much.

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