Friday, November 11, 2005

Cat Fight!

Since I have a low gag reflex, I skipped Judy on Larry King Live last night. Apparently, it's a good thing I did or I might be in the hospital today. Arianna continues her one woman crusade against Lil Miss Run Amok on HuffPo, so I can catch the key moments.

Severance package in hand, Miller is intent on picking up right where she left off -- telling lies and trying to rewrite history.

Time for a reality-check.


And she told author James Moore: "You know what? I was proved fucking right. That's what happened. People who disagreed with me were saying, 'There she goes again'. But I was proved fucking right."

Does that sound like someone on a mission to "get to the bottom of intelligence failures" and report on how she had been hoodwinked by her sources -- and thwarted by her editors?

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