Friday, April 04, 2014

Robert Reich: How Increasing Numbers of Americans are Saying 'No Deal' to Absurd Inequality | Alternet

Robert Reich: How Increasing Numbers of Americans are Saying 'No Deal' to Absurd Inequality | Alternet

"Every year I ask my class on “Wealth and Poverty” to play a simple game. I have them split up into pairs, and imagine I’m giving one of them $1,000. They can keep some of the money only on condition they reach a deal with their partner on how it’s to be divided up between them. I explain they’re strangers who will never see one other again, can only make one offer and respond with one acceptance (or decline), and can only communicate by the initial recipient writing on a piece of paper how much he’ll share with the other, who must then either accept (writing “deal” on the paper) or decline (“no deal”)."

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