Thursday, July 11, 2013

FISA is Your Friend. On a Related Note, War is Peace and Slavery is Freedom...

Why doesn't it disturb more Democrats that the secret FISA court, which lays out all warrants for covert surveillance, is chaired with almost 90% Republicans? Where is the outrage? Doesn't it disturb any of you that a Republican judge in office until he dies, Chief Justice Roberts, has the sole veto-proof ability to appoint these judges? You're fine with this?

A Republican placing other Republicans in offices of severe power, where oversight is non-existent as a matter of protocol.

There is a mental disconnect, as the GOP regularly displays their willingness to not act on the behalf of the American people. Yet when it comes to surveillance there isn't even a rumbling of a question as to their competency for the job?

Keep your eyes shut and your mouth closed.

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