"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead (Mostly what other say will be in italics, what I say will not. There will be occasions when this is messed up or forgotten, but generally it will true- for those keeping track of the opining vs the reporting!)
Monday, January 31, 2011
Let me put this as simply as I can-
If ORRIN HATCH is too far to the left for you, you are NOT out of the mainstream, you're fucking nuts!
Once Again.....
Sign the damned petition! :)
Denounce Republicans' Extremist Anti-Choice Legislation
Denounce Republicans' Extremist Anti-Choice Legislation
Great Stuff
From Facebook posts today:
Your car is Japanese. Your Vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers - Arabic, your letters - Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant? Pull yourself together! Copy if you're against racism.
Two words- Fuck Florida
(and their felonious governor!) (as time passes, feel free to replace Florida with Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, and/or Wyoming!) :)
Good news for Progressives.
If we wait a generation or two, Texas and Oklahoma may just devolve themselves out of existence.
Oy! Sounds Good to me
Protect Our Elections Calls on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to Step Down in Light of His Admission That He Falsified Twenty Years of Financial Disclosures
What's up for Egypt?
Atrios sums it up best:
The best next step is a 150,000 person US occupation of Egypt so we can write their constitution, figure out who their interim leader should be, and then spend 10 years training security forces.
...Also mercenaries. Lots and lots of mercenaries.
Muhbarakh is toast
The key line in the whole piece:
"As for the closely-watched Egyptian army, troops took no action against protestors today."
If he's lost the army, he better get on a plane to Switzerland right now. Go hide with his money.
These people are REALLY stupid
... but he's from GA, so we'll just accept it as a given ;)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I may need to cut back on the sarcasm in the blog... apparently, the ad-spiders are starting to think I'm a conservative, judging by the ad for Krauthammer's book (DON'T BUY IT OR I'LL SHOOT YOU!) and 'Repeal Obama' on the site today! OY!
Okay, between stupid rulings and Scalia and Thomas being serial law breakers...
I'm removing the violent rhetoric ban against the Supes...
This would be great, if true... almost worth springing for HBO for :)
HBO just ordered an Aaron Sorkin pilot. Will Keith Olbermann be involved?
The Resurrection of Republican Jesus
If you missed this before, it's one of the most insightful (and funniest) pieces on the inter-tubes in a while. Read and laugh (preferably while pointing at a Repubican!) :)
The Differences
Aside from Dems not being mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, congenitally-lying buffoons?
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Your Daily Schadenfreude Moment
brought to you by Michelle Bachmann and the spineless GOP :)
Krugman @ NYT: Their Own Private Europe
The inimitable Krugster takes on Ryan and the myths about Ireland and Britain. I'm re-reading his The Great Unraveling, and it's frightening how prescient he was in that and how accurately his columns pricked the lies of the 00s.
New White House Picks (Almost) Rebalance Civil Rights Commission
Just reminds me of how much I hated the Bush admin and what a pile of human excrement they really were.....
What Would a Republican/Tea Party Government Do Within 2 Years Governing?
Welcome to the new amusement park MCKINLEYLAND! (Formerly known as the United States of America)
Haskell Blows Whistle on Underwear Bomber, Government Op
Interesting, if a little out there. Altho given the Homeland Security 'apparatus' and the previous Admin's general lack of anything approaching responsibility or morals, nothing would surprise me.
Slate: Return to the gold standard? It's just crazy enough for some state legislators to propose it.
Oh god, it's not just Georgia (see WAYYYY below)- it's spreading to LOTS of Red States.
When the politically fueled murder of a 9-year-old girl in Arizona is NOT national news
It's not national news when the victim is non-white and anyone involved uses the word 'drugs'... then it's all just fine.
Vitter, Rand Paul Propose Amendment To Pare Back Birthright Citizenship
Let's "pare" back their citizenship..... Free brises for Senators, bring a paring knife!
Bachmann eyes cuts to veterans health benefits
Support our troops, except when it cost money or might interefere with tax cuts or something more important.... bitch
Wow! Anti-Koch Protests?
This weekend is going to be interesting. That area is a patchwork of the hyper-liberal and the hyper-conservative. Going to be interesting to see the law enforcement reaction to all the DFHs.
AMERICAblog Gay: Obama admin. demands Dan Choi pay $2500 for DADT discharge
If this is true, everyone from the President, to the SecArmy, to the bureaucrats, to the collection agency, needs to burn in the fires of Hell until this is stopped and any previous 'fines' refunded, with interest.
Thune revealed as just another Repug hack
I know, I know, you're shocked!
Piers Morgan on UK Econ
It always stuns the DC poltical media crowd when someone actually speaks the truth. I think the cognitive dissonance confuses them.
Jan Brewer Continues Weird, Illogical Policies
Was Janet Napolitano SO necessary at Homeland Security we had to pull her out of the Arizona governorship and replace her with this piece of crap?
Local Chambers break with US Chamber on repeal
This could get interesting. Many of the local Chambers have been pretty disgusted with the US Chamber for a couple of years, and this issue may drive them completely apart. It's obvious that HC reform is good for business in that it will stabilize and potentially drive down their insurance costs. The US Chamber's opposition isnt based... on business needs, merely on hard-right political theology.
Eric Cantor needs a lesson on Social Security financing
Let's all repeat this over and over, until everyone in Congress and the media understand it. Social Security is NOT part of the budget. It has no effect on the budget. It is wholly and totally separate. It is currently fully funded. There may be minor problems in the (distant) future, but if we raise (or eliminate) the cap, those disa...ppear. How easy is that?
(The problem isn't that they don't UNDERSTAND this, they just LIE about it......)
AMERICAblog News: Paul Ryan's rebuttal & Paul Krugman's kindness
Best take on Ryan I've read. Goes for most of the 'brain trust' of the Repugs, too.
DeMint to introduce health reform repeal
Trust the biggest mouth breather in the Senate to bring this one home!
CNN: Marines change commander at facility where WikiLeaks suspect held
Good, now throw him in the brig and treat him like he treated Manning.
Amen brother!
The Onion strikes again! Obama: Aside From All The Weirdos And Freaks Around Here, The State Of The Union Is Strong
Ted Haggard: I'm Probably What The Kids Call 'Bisexual'
No, you're what they'd call a pantload.
The Complete Failure of Senate Rules Reform
WTF is wrong with Senate Dems? Must we constantly shoot ourselves in the foot? It's not bad enough the other side is ACTUALLY shooting at us?
House votes to eliminate public financing of presidential elections
Remember, Grover Norquist, the granddaddy of the radical right, has stated they want to move us back to the US as it was under McKinley. Here we go.
What is with MDs in Congress?
Coburn, Paul, Broun.... Are they ALL nuts?
South Carolina Republicans go backward with Voter ID bill passage
How bout a poll tax too. Bring back Jim Crow seems to be the new motto in the South. They were SO sad to lose it, after all.
Michelle and the Mystery of the Teleprompterthingee
Just because you put the teleprompter somewhere else doesn't mean you aren't using one. Just put it were it belongs and go with it. You'll look less spooky, and that, Michelle, is something you SERIOUSLY need to work on. :)
Simple Answers To Simple Questions
From Atrios:
Steve asks:
I'm really not sure what to make of this. In fact, I'm a little surprised CNN would agree to this, just as a matter of fairness -- viewers will hear one speech from a Democrat, followed by a speech by a far-right Republican, and then followed by another speech by a far-right Republican? If a liberal Dem announced this morning that he/she is delivering some remarks reflecting on the SOTU tonight, would that also be aired on CNN's national airwaves in its entirety?
This has been another edition of simple answers to simple questions.
More on Manning
Everytime I read or hear anything about Bradley Manning's detention, I wonder how the hell Bush and Cheney are still operating out of the White House. This is unAmerican and can NOT be allowed to stand.
Why hasn't CNN fired this bozo? (apologies to clowns everywhere)
Sharron For Preznit?
Oh please! Please, please, please. It would be even more fun than Michelle Bachmann running..... let's get a three way primary fight between Mama Grizzly, Michelle, and Sharron. I may pass out from just thinking about it! ;) ( Mama Grizzly vs Demon Sheep! Can you feel the excitement? Can you smell the stupidity?!?!?)
There's a difference between rewriting history and not having a fucking clue.
Guess which one describes Michelle Bachmann :)
Also , too!
Jon Stewart Exposes Fox News' "Nazi" Rhetoric Hypocrisy
I posted on Megan Kelly's really stupid remarks the other day. Here's Jon Stewart, getting my back :)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Jeff Sessions Can Write?!?!!? Who Knew?
Much of what's wrong with the right can be summed up in two words: Jeff Sessions. It's not that this annoying mediocrity IS the problem, he's just a compilation of all the problems in one empty (tho expensive) suit.
Daily Kos: GOP takes credit for job growth
Let's see they vote en bloc against everything, crippled the stimulus, and saddled us with the Bush tax cuts, depriving us of billions in income, so yeah they can take credit.
George Allen Returns to Less than Enthusiastic Response
Wow! You know you've gone over the edge when George 'Macaca' Allen isn't crazy enough for you; of course, it is Erickson saying he's not orthodox enough, so consider the source :)
Justin Strikes Again
From Justin Rosario. Brilliant takedown of the Randian right. I particularly enjoyed, being a former Libertarian who thought their way out of the moral morass that libertarianism is.
Suspected suicide bomber kills dozens at Moscow's busiest airport
Saw some of the video.... this is a horrible mess. I wouldnt want to be Chechen for the next week or so.....
Senate Dems challenge Cantor, House GOP on health reform repeal
Good! Keep whacking them over the head with healthcare repeal. The idea of making them vote yea or nay on each piece is great- the public is leery of the overall idea, but tend to support each of individual part (the leeriness isnt real, it's just anxiety stirred up by the Repugs' ceaseless moronic rhetoric)
Mass Bloodshed?!?!?
Jesus.... and this guy is on CNN?!?!? I may have mentioned it before, but Erickson is a boil on the ass of humanity.
Obama won't endorse raising retirement age or reducing Social Security benefits
Always nice to see the powers that be do the right thing
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Psychoanalyze THIS, Bitch!
Income Inequality
Amen. Also, I can't recommend highly enough that everyone read Paul Krugman's Conscience of A Liberal, particularly the concluding chapter of the same name. If you can read that and still contemplate voting Repug, I'll be amazed (and slightly horrified!) :)
Ryan Budget is Bad for Middle Class
And this is a surprise, why? Everything they do is bad for the middle class!
Reagan, Schmeagan
Okay, yeah he was a race-baiting warmonger, but that's not enough these days. His dementia was an illness; the current Repug Party's dementia is self-inflicted.
Republicans’ 2010 election triumph will fuel civilization’s demise, Chomsky says
If it carries over past the 2012 elections, then I would agree. In the short run, mostly just dangerous and annoying.
If I Haven't Mentioned It, Beck is NUTS!
I am seriously considering cancelling my violent rhetoric pledge in Beck's case. The boy is a dangerous loon and needs to be gone... preferably just canceled, but..... I'm just sayin'
Bishops Back Barack?!?
I'm always amazed when the hierarchy in the Catholic Church gets things right. Many priests and nuns are great people, but the ruling structure seems broken. Things like this make me wonder if I'm not being over-judgmental. Me? Nah!!! :)
Barrasso Who?
Great slap at Barrasso's moronic address today. The Bookman quote is spot on. It IS Goebbels' Big Lie theory- repeat it often enough, no matter how ludicrous, and eventually it becomes 'THE TRUTH' (which will set us, sort of like Arbeit.)
Texas' Ongoing Disaster and Unexpected Upsides
It's my birthstate so I should probably feel more empathy for their pain, but it is nice to see the moronic ideas of the hard right wingnuts (and that is who runs Texas) run aground on the rocks of reality
Daily Kos: Third Way's false start on "saving" Social Security
The ONLY change that needs to be made in SocSec is to remove the salary cap. At that point, all future deficits disappear and the system is solid. Yes, it screws (very marginally) the highly compensated, but our tax system is (at least at the moment) progressive, so it's not a huge shock to anyone's system. So someone takes home 135k ...instead of 145k, they'll deal with it, precious babies.
Good Piece
.. on where the Repugs are coming from and where they're going.
"So if you are a type who believes the government can only do bad, who
believes that prosperity flows from how appreciated the business
community feels, and who believes strongly in the Natural Order, then
you are not going to be in favor of activist monetary and fiscal policy
to fix the economy. You also won’t have any a...ctual coherent view of
what is wrong with the economy."
Of course, GOProud is a real gay group in the sense that Jews for Jesus is a real Jewish group.....
"My first (and only) political fortune cookie"
from Justin Rosario:
When you reach a T-intersection, you have a choice: Left or Right.
Going Right is easy, all you do is hug the curb and go with the flow of traffic. It’s safer but you’ll never get across the street.
Going Left is much more difficult. You have to cut across traffic that doesn’t want to let you through. But, if you’re brave enough, you can cross that street and reach any destination you choose.
Which way do YOU turn?
Best Line of the Week
from addictinginfo.org:
As time went by, I came to understand that service to the truth is core concept of being a liberal. Without the truth, we are nothing. Or worse, conservatives. Keith understood this.
I STAND WITH KEITH (yeah, another petition) :)
I Stand with Keith petition- sign it! Or get off my blog! :)
Terry Jones (the other one) Banned from Britain
Now can WE ban him from the US and just watch him fly back and forth from JFK to Heathrow ad infinitum?
(for those under 40, Terry Jones is also the name of one of the members of Monty Python)
Is It In the Constitution? Duh!
Very good argument that separation was indeed intended in the Constitution as well as against the argument that the US is a Christian nation.
Oy, barely in office and already in trouble.
Gotta love the Repugs
GOP's childish opposition to healthcare reform
Good article... now go buy the hardcopy so the LA TImes can stay in business another week or so :)
Military-Religious Complex?
Can we get Dan Brown, David Stone, and Paul Christopher to collaborate on this one? :)
Stahl Did NOT Report on Reagan's Alzheimers
I still haven't heard a convincing reason why she didnt report it.
Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful
hate me cuz I'm ignorant and influential...
They ARE Impeachable
(altho just barely)
Romney to Steer Clear of Tea Parties
Probably a good idea. After Romneycare in Massachoochie, they'd probably shoot HIM!
Enlist in the Dick Armey
How sick is it that Dick Armey is now a voice of reason?!?!?! (And don't you love the name? That really should be what we call the forces for gay activism!)
The only thing I can say for David Brooks is that he isn't David Broder
It's enough to make me change my name. Call me Raoul from now on!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I didnt post anything on the bomb in Spokane on Monday cuz most of the time these things get overblown by the media, law enforccement, or both. This, on the other hand, seems to have been a really big deal.
Whole Foods, Look Out!
I loathe Wal-Mart (bring back, Sam, you damned Waltons!), but this is an encouraging sign.
And if the Easter Bunny is listening...
all I want for Easter is for Santorum to get into the race :)
If Santa Claus is reading blogs...
a Palin-Bachmann ticket is ALL I want for Christmas :)
Maybe We Should Investigate Issa....?
Cenk Uygur has a really good take down of my neighbor Darrell. Also has a link to Ryan Lizza's amazing complete hatchetjob in The New Yorker,
PATRIOT Act up for Renewal this Year
Can we get rid of this horrendous, Constituion-crushing bag of shit once and for all? Pretty please?
The 15 Min Solution
A little extreme, but truly, the end game of the Repug battleplan. With much the same logic behind it.
Beck = Violence
God, he's a misguided missile. Can someone give me an example in modern US history (say post Gilded Age) of a liberal shooting a conservative? )Maybe Wallace? I don't remember anything about his shooter.)
Az shooting,
lying repugs,
Citizen Jane Explains the Impact of Citizens United
Good quick history lesson on what happened and why it's important to de-personify the corporations. Mildly amusing (you'd think with the money and talent available, PFAW could have risen to at least the Conjunction Junction level) :)
Tea Party Fashionistas?
The Liberal LibraryIn re: Media Matters coverage
Why is the GOP obsessed with Michelle's Dresses? Are they all closeted?
Paging Wehrner von Braun!
This rocket apparently is such a big motha we had warnings on the news today to announce the launching so that people in the vicinity wouldnt think it was an earthquake. If there's an earthquake tomorrow, the death toll should be enormous as people ignore the start :)
Interesting Poll Results
Don't read unless you're a serious wonk :)
Colbert Defending Sarah
Colbert perfectly sums up Sarah Palin AND the main stream media. Not a bad twofer :)
Lieberman Retiring
It's official- 'bout time!
James Galbraith on Defending Social Security
Pretty good interview w/Sam Seder. Always nice to hear two really smart people talking about something important.
Woohoo! Deathmatch at the RNC
The Chickens have come home to roost and it's turning into a cockfight! :)
Buhbye Joe
I didnt like him much, even before he veered to the right, but read this, and you can dislike him too!
Deconstructing Conservatives
How can you not love an article that starts off: "Among the many, many things that separate liberals from conservatives (such as rationality, compassion, tolerance, fairness, but I digress…)"
TruthOut: Wal-Mart Is Not A Person
We need the de-personification of corporations, and we need it in a hurry. But with the Reagan-Bush Supreme Court, that's unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, which, as a result, are likely to be poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
More WOW!
WOW! AP tilts pretty much to the right and even they think the Repugs are lying on this one! :)
Erick the Receding
Yet again, Erickson proves his schmucklichkeit
Epic Fail
Conservatives lining up behind Ricky Gervais, a socialist atheist. Gervais, I'm sure, is both amused and horrified :)
Birthday Presents?
For those of you with Alzheimers that forgot my birthday yesterday, may I offer this as 'make-up' present idea? :)
Kind of scary article
...but the TITLE is one of the greatest ever..... did they leave out ANY hotbutton?
Alleged Nazi Jihadist Blamed Pedophile Pastor For Hatred Of America
Supporting Our Troops
Can we just shut the hyperbanks down, gut MERS, and arrest anyone who owns anything called a tranche of anything else?
And It's Not Even Softball Season
Yet the softball questions are aflurry on Fox.
Evolution Argument :)
From "Republicans Are Idiots And Arguing With Them Is A Waste Of Time!" by Addictinginfo.org
From their FB post:
-- "George W. Bush" + "Best president ever" = 24,100 results
-- "George W. Bush" + "Monkey" = 212,000 results
My gun is bigger than your gun
God, these people really want to live in Dodge City......
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Quelle Surprise
We need a publicly financed election system in this country, badly. And NOW.
AMERICAblog News: 87% in Congress who received Comcast money will vote in favor of merger with NBC
AMERICAblog News: 87% in Congress who received Comcast money will vote in favor of merger with NBC
Paranoia As Prelude
Amazingly good piece on why Loughner's murders were probably not politically motivated, merely politically enabled.
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