Monday, January 05, 2009

Fuck 'Em

There's a lot of noise all over the blogosphere lately about the seeming intent of Obama (never mind Reid and Pelosi.... how I wish we could never mind them....) to seek 'wide' bipartisan support for the bailout package. WHY?

The Repugs are not, ever, never never never never(hold your breath till you turn blue), going to support the bailout; at least, not until it's been neutered and watered down to the point of uselessness and turned into a giant corporate taxcut program. So, why even bother to try??

Get the bills out, straighten out TARP, and if the Repugs obstruct (and if they do, make them actually stand on the floor and filibuster, none of this 'we're gonna...' shit that we've put up with the last two years. If all else fails, just spend the money; it's what Bu$hCo's been doing, so it MUST be legal! Right??

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