Sunday, December 14, 2008

Great DADT Rant

John at Americablog has a post up about Lindsay Graham's 'deployment' to Iraq. Turns into a piece about dont ask dont tell. Pretty good, but the best line is in describing the execrable Sen Graham:
That brings us to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who likes to go over to the Middle East and play soldier. Now, I don't know if the unmarried Senator Graham is straight or gay. I do know that, as a gay man myself, Lindsey Graham makes me look straight. If someone put a gun to my head and made me guess whether Graham was straight or gay, I wouldn't hesitate to venture that he's a flaming homosexual because he looks and sounds like a flaming homosexual. And I've rarely met a straight man who flames, and then turns out to be actually straight.

Amen sister!

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