Thursday, February 07, 2008

Where Are We Going?

Well, Super-duper Tuesday has come and gone and what have we learned? Mainly, that the Mittster wants to deny us our fun! Romney bowed out today with all the grace of a dog in a carrier strapped to the roof of a speeding car. Apparently, if he stayed in the race, the terrorist would win, and then who would the Repugs rail against!?!?! So, now, we're basically down to McCain, which makes the Repugs SOOO happy! Rush must be ecstatic.

On the left side of the aisle, Tuesday didn't really tell us much. Barak couldn't beat Hillary in the big states, she couldn't beat him in the small ones, and they ended up pretty much where they started out, more or less even in delegate count. Barak has the money advantage, Hillary has most of the 'establishment' Dems behind her, and not much clarity as to who will come out on top, altho has Romney and Giuliani have shown, money may not be that much of an advantage.

I don't have any real preference between the two Dems left (I did vote for HRC in the primary, but it was pretty much a coin-flip.) Either one would be a good President (hell, even McCain would be better than what we've got now!) so I can live with either. We'll just have to wait and see who comes out on top.

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