Sunday, September 09, 2007

All Hat, No Cattle

Joe at Americablog tackles a subject that's occurred to me so often I seldom think about anymore, just take it as a given. These boobs in the WH can do politics, but not governance; the can do PR for their policies, but they can't pull off the policies.

They can sell the war to the public (or at least to the DC crowd), but they can't manage the war. They can sell a report (or so they hope), but they can't make the environment they're reporting what they want it to be (hence, they HAVE to sell!)

Most of this administration (well, some of the original crew) had pretty impressive success in business (with the obvious exception of the serial Failure-in-Chief), so you'd think if they'd spent HALF as much time actually managing/planning the war as they did selling, it might have come off, at least better than it did. But that would be too much like actual work, and that's something Bush will never do, unless it involves innocent brush on the Crawford 'ranch'. Where he has no cattle.

Definitely, as we say in Texas, all hat, no cattle.


Anonymous said...

What if business management is actually more about who you know than what you know these days. More about being able to crack down on workers than on 'inspiring' them.

Of course, that all works better when the market is flooded with extra workers.

But much of the business acumen of the Bushies is more about being from a certain class and/or getting payback positions after working in Republican
administrations than actual real job searches and business management.

BTW, I linked to you on this. Good point.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I tend to agree with you that most of them got by as much by connections as by acumen, unlike Bush, who even with Daddy, Daddy's friends, and every oilcat in the Texas Republican party trying to help him, couldn't make a business do anything except eat it's investors.