Friday, July 06, 2007


I know that, at this point (and probably never, given the current state of the Repug party), we can't get an impeachment 'conviction', but it's pleasant to think about. Apparently, I'm not alone. In a new poll, 45% of Americans (including an amazing 13% of Repugs) think the House should bring Articles of Impeachment against Dumbfuck. Against Cheney, the numbers are even higher: 54%(17% of Repugs are ready to dump Darth Dick!)

It's very unlikely we'll get lucky enough to get rid of them before January, 2009, barring a colossal fuckup on there (and given the general competence level at 1600 Pennsylvania, that's a distinct possibility!). But, if something does break, and the MSM does pick up on it (assuming they'd recognize a real story), and with this level of public support for it already, an impeachment could happen. Wouldn't that be lovely? A situation so dire for Bu$hCo that their pet Congressmen would HAVE to vote to blow them out of office to save their own necks come November 08? Yum.

At this point, if it happens, it'll probably be related to Plame/Libby. Everything else is convoluted, arcane, and legalistic. If something breaks to show there's been a coverup at the WH over Libby (let me rephrase... if something breaks to PROVE there's been a coverup.....), then it gets pretty simple, and the comparisons to Watergate make it slamdunk even for our currently mentally deficient newsies.

UPDATE: Atrios seems worked up over impeachment.... check out the third link, particularly. [OOPS... it's Avedon, in for Atrios, not the man himself!]

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