Friday, June 08, 2007

Paris Back in Jail

Okay, now I'm confusing myself.... I'm starting to side with Paris. Haven't seen a summary or transcript online yet (maybe LAT later?), but Sheriff Baca gave an interview earlier and explained the position of the Sheriff's Dept. Basically.... due to the overcrowding in the LA Jail, and the Federal Court decree, 'excess' prisoners are dealt with by holding them for a portion of their sentences and then letting them go. There were several levels, of which Paris falls into the lowest category, and as such was due to be released after spending 10% of her sentence in jail; she probably shouldn't even have had to be monitored, if she'd been anyone else. Plus, there's the medical thing (psych), but no one can give details, due to privacy.

Anyway, I'm now starting to wonder if she's not a recipient of 'special/celebrity' justice, but in reverse. She's not getting off light, she's being made an example? I don't know, but if anyone knows more, let me know

UPDATE: Wow! I feel validated! James Wolcott agrees with me! :)

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