Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dobbs' Mania

One of the things that puzzles me these days is Lou Dobbs, of CNN fame, and his almost insane crusade against illegal immigrants and immigration in general. He's always seemed to me to be a generally moderate guy, if tending towards pro-big business, and his recent focus on and warnings over the 'War on the Middle Class' has bordered on the heroic. Thus, my dismay at his complete descent into insanity over the immigration issue.

He completely broke me with his recent lies, and subsequent snarky defense of those lies, about immigrants and leprosy. I'm sure there are lots of legitimate health concerns about unregulated immigration, but jesus freaking christ??!?!?! LEPROSY?!?!?! It's just sad to see what has always been (to me, at least... but what do I know? I always liked Tom Friedman, till the war) a voice of thoughtfulness and reason.

1 comment:

ApondoNET said...

somebody really slammed him hard here: Click Here