Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The 300

Saw 300 with the bf yesterday. I went in expecting it to be both awful and good. My background in history and military history (and long experience with movies encompassing miltary history) led me to expect an historical mishmash.

For the most part, I enjoyed it. The film is visually stunning (almost video-game-ish) and mostly well acted (I still cant get over Phantom of the Opera enough to like Gerard Butler!) The general historic picture is (mostly) correct, with some minor flaws in the details (where the fuck did the ninja-Immortals come from?!?!?!?!?!?!) There were the usual internal flaws of any picture ('we always fight in formation'... then the rest of the movie is a series of freeform individual combats), but even if you go in, expecting the historical inaccuracies to make you nuts, you'll enjoy it. It's a cracking good war/adventure movie, with STUNNING graphics and visuals, and a pretty good time.

Take a deep breath and keep telling yourself, it's a comic book (okay, graphic novel!), not Thucydides!

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