Wednesday, February 28, 2007

US Attorney Scandals

The scandal over the firing of several US Attorneys around the country, and their subsequent replacements with Bush sycophants, is not yet a big blip on the MSM radar. But, given the potential consequences of the actions, and the probable motivations for them, AND Congress' interest, it will become a BIG blip. TPM has devoted most of today to covering it, and I'll link you there to read that coverage.

This is a big deal, maybe even, ultimately, the Watergate of the Dumbfuck administration. The most important aspect of it, to my mind, is the Lam firing in San Diego. She was the USA in charge of the Duke Cunningham and Wilkes-Foggo investigations/prosecutions. Both of these strike to the heart of how the Repugs operate, and how they put, in EVERY instance, personal and party loyalty ahead of everything, including patriotism and national security.

Any potential flaws or mismanagement at the CIA strikes to the very heart of our national security. If these guys aren't operating at peak efficiency, given the best tools, and left to operate free of external pressure, we are all at risk. The entire War Cabinet is probably liable to prosecution by the War Crimes Tribunal at this point, and if this all develops the way I think it will, the domestic side of the Cabinet may be on their way to jail as well. Assuming, of course, there are elections next year.

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