Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Un Huh, I'm Buying It, 'Berto......

Finally, after much diligent study and hard, hard thought (thinkin' is hard if you're a born Decider!), Bu$hCo has (apparently) come up with wholesome, friendly, child-safe version of warrantless wiretapping that involves, MIRABILE DICTU!, warrants!

Kevin has the best take on it. The money shot:

Of course, if Gonzales is telling the truth, that's even worse for Bush because it's a clear sign that the previous program was patently illegal. In fact, so illegal that it took two solid years to finally develop an alternative that a judge deemed acceptable. If the program merely needed a few tweaks here and there, it would have taken a month for a judge to approve it, not two years.

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