Saturday, January 06, 2007

How to Win If Losing

It occured to me while reading some commentary on the War that, even if the Dems can't get bills they want through the Senate (the filibuster is a bitch- why didnt we use it more?), they can make the Repugs pay, and pay heavily, for opposing them.

The current thinking is that they should water things down to the point that they can suck some of the moderate (or just frightened) Repugs over to their side. WRONG! Write the bills as they should be written, go for the goals you want, negotiate in good faith, but don't give in on basic principles. Then send the bills on for action. The enabler wing of the Repugs will go ballistic, oppose everything, and attempt to filibuster.


In the long run, with the country overal 2-1 on our side on the war, and well over 50-50 on our side on virtually everything else, letting the bad guys get up and play obstructionist, will make them look stupid, out of touch, and all the things they really are. Let this build as needed over the next two years, and then deal with the problems, in 2009, with a majority in both houses AND a Dem Prez. Other than the war, everything can wait, and regardless of what the Congress does or does not do (short of impeachment), Dumbfuck is going stay the Decider and do whatever the hell he wants anyway.

And, if you favor impeachment, the more angry the populace becomes at the antics, the more time we give him, the more likely Shrub is to do something so heroically awful that impeachment is, to coin a phrase, a slam dunk.

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