Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Antibipartisanship Redux

Today's portion of the hundred hours is supposed to be devoted to the minimum wage increase (altho you'd be hard pressed to tell with the press sticking like leeches to the Admin preparing to perform escalatio.....*) There's a lot of talk about how hard it's going to be to get it through the Senate without making concessions.


Send it to the Senate. Amendment and compromise free. Make the Repugs tell their constituents that they are opposed to them getting a living wage. Make them pay for their ideological purity. Make them bleed. And GET THEM ON THE RECORD! It's not as much about getting the minimum wage through (Dumbfuck is not going to sign it unadorned) NOW, as it is setting the groundwork for being able to do this, and so much more, post '08, with Dems in the House, Senate, and White House.


Per dKos, it appears Pelosi is proposing to do just that. So the struggle is in the Senate alone. Contact your Senator and tell him/her to put this to a straight up/down minimum-wage-only vote.

UPDATE: The bill passed out of the House with a veto-proof majority. Apparently, every Dem voted for it, as well as about 65-70 Repugs.

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