Thursday, November 02, 2006

Oh God (So To Speak....)

Yet ANOTHER! The Rev Ted Haggard (you'll know him when you see the picture), one of the leading evangelicals in the country, head of the largest mega-church in Colorado, buddy of Jim (Focus on Your Own Family, Dammit!) Dobson, and adviser to Dumbfuck, has stepped down from his pastoral position today after it was revealed that he'd had an on-going relationship with a male prostitute. What was the old joke about corruption? With the Repugs, it's always money; with the Dems, it's always sex. Apparently, the modern rapacious Repugs are trying to put the Dems out of even that, and covering both money and sex themselves!

It may or may not be true (if not, thought, why did he resign so suddenly, forcing cancellation of a meeting of church 'elders' to support him), but if it turns out to be true, this could be the straw that really, truly annoyed the camel. Colorado, long a serious Red state, is already showing purplish tinges; this could help make things there a bright, cheery Blue.

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