Monday, September 25, 2006


The FBI has apparently started talking about the anthrax attacks again. You remember. As the dust of 9/11 settled, five people were killed by anthrax which was sent through the mail, some of it to Capitol Hill. A lot of sound and fury at the time, then nothing, absolute silence for five years.

And now, there's 'word' that the FBI is 'widening' its investigation (really? NOW?) It also appears that a lot of what we were told about the anthrax in 2001 was (gasp!) incorrect (and not in the 'erring on the side of caution' sense!) So, now, five years later, with massively lowered rhetoric, the FBI makes announcements about it.

If this weren't election related, why announce anything now? It's not like the public is clamoring for updates on on-going investigation. In lower profile cases like this, is it usual for the FBI to announce anything but an arrest (they don't like to look incompetent and anything short of an arrest appears incompetent.) Is it just an attempt to rile the electorate and add additional 'you're all going to DIE!!!!! if you don't re-elect us Repugs!' factor to the election?

Booman sums it up best (not just for THIS, but for any subject discussed by the Govt):

Here's a piece of advice: Believe nothing this administration tells you. Nothing. Either they were lying then or they are lying now.

Booman has a good then and now comparison of FBI statements that highlights the hypocrisy. And in this administration, if you can highlight an hypocrisy, you've got good aim.....

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