Saturday, September 16, 2006

Prop 89

If I were designing a campaign finance reform law, California's Proposition 89, which those of us blessed/cursed to live in the Golden State will get to vote on in November, would just about match it line for line. It's a good combination of public financing without prohibiting private financing (just making it irrelevant.)

George Skelton, in the LA Times wrote a column the other day, in which he basically cried for the need for Prop 89, then set up a bunch of straw men to bash it. Kevin at Washington Monthly takes him to task well in his post yesterday.

This may be the most important domestic issue of our lifetimes. The only way to get control of government back from the corporate interests, and to get government to consider any ramifications of legislation other than how it affects (big) business, is to get the money out of the election process. As long as elected officials are dependent on big donors to get elected, and have to spend, by most estimates, at least HALF their time in office, shilling for bucks for the next election (and yes, I'm unalterably opposed to artificial term limits), we are doomed to pols sucking at the corporate tit and shitting on the rest of us.


I'm also pro Prop 87 and anti 88 (only cuz I smoke cigars and Rob Reiner's proposition is already bleeding me to death!) ;)

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