Wednesday, September 20, 2006

By Their Words.....

In his speech yesterday, Preznit Numbnuts called on Muslims to abandon extremism and listen to 'voices of moderation' amongst them. There's a psychological phenomenon in which the crazy (technical term, sorry!) person sees the things he hates most in himself in other he hates or fears; I've forgotten the term, so sue me! It seems this is, as in much of Shrub's expository excesses, true in the War on Terrah.

He calls for 'the enemy' to listen to voices of moderation when he's muzzled, fired, or ridiculed the same amongst his own people. He appeals to the UN to follow the UN's own Universal Declaration of Human Rights, while it prohibits torture and calls for access to 'a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.' The very things he's trying to eliminate in his kabuki drama with McCain and Huckleberry.

See to that plank in your own eye, Mr President, and let the rest of us worry about the motes in ours.

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