Sunday, June 04, 2006

Good Posts

One of the things I really like about Daily Kos is their daily roundup of excellent posts on the site. There are a bunch of good ones tonight in their roundup.

The ones that struck me the most were:

Republican Masochism....

The Day Bobby Died....

and most especially

I believe that good will overcome evil.

I've long believed that the most important day in the politics of the 20th Century was the day Bobby was assassinated. That was the day the liberals went into hiding, if not outright exile. From that day to the point Reagan was elected was sort of a stasis, then the long plunge into the undoing of a century's worth of progressive reforms. The Day Bobby Died... isnt so much an analysis of the effects as a reflection on the day, but it struck me to the heart.

I believe... is a sort of manifest for liberal/progressives, almost a creed. Very good.

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