Monday, February 20, 2006

Beware the Donut Hole

The GOP may soon discover the price of being venal little buttboys to any industry with cash and lube. The Medicare nightmare is continuing as we speak, but the Republicans (or at least Frist) have indicated that as things shake out, there won't be any long term damage to the GOP's relationship with older voters. Well, he/they are forgetting one big problem. The Donut Hole.

Just as they get the insanity of the transition period under control (assuming they do), seniors are going to get hit with the donut hole. This is the 'gap' in coverage between about $2500 and $5000 (figures VERY approximate) when Medicare coverage lapses till the higher figure is hit. This is going to hit a lot of seniors like a 16 ton anvil in a Monty Python skit, but without the laugh track.

The one PLUS to all this is that it will hit most of them between late spring and early fall. In the run up to the elections. Assuming the gap doesn't kick them all off their Alzheimers' meds, do ya think its fair to assume the senior vote may go DRAMATICALLY Dem this fall?

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