Thursday, December 29, 2005


Newsweek has an on-line interview with Kos. Quite interesting.

For the uninitiated

1 comment:

Rick said...

Kos is an idiot and does NOT speak for the Democrats. He speaks for his band of frustrated Deaniacs and dead-ender Naderites.

Joe Lieberman is a fine Democrat who happens to be quite conservative. He agrees with the Bush administration a bit too much for my taste, but he is still right on 90 percent of the issues. We don't have a saliva test in the Democratic Party, much to Markos' apparent chagrin.

Democrats don't hate Lieberman, but as they get to know Markos they are beginning to hate him. We are weary of his bleatings that the Dem party was "completely corrupt" in 1994.

Where were you in 1994, Markos?