Saturday, December 24, 2005

I Wasn't Going to Post....

...over the Holiday, but this too good not to put up. And now I'm in the mood :)

Anyway, for those who saw or heard about the John Gibson blowup on his show Tuesday, with Rob Boston of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, apparently John has been 'conversing' with Barry Lynn, a minister, also with AUSCS, on Beliefnet, on the subject, and John, post the explosion, went into with Barry on the site. Barry gets in the last word.

[The graphical errors are from the site]

I have watched the tape several times. Mr. Boston does not even mention your book until late in the segment. He says that claims by the Alliance Defense Fund are �lies� and that certain claims made by your colleague Bill O�Reilly are wrong.

Your big meltdown came in discussing a series of incidents that may or may not have occurred in Plano, Texas, mainly involving the colors red and green. As you wrote in your previous comments to me, school officials there would not talk to you. Rob and I choose to believe the positions we have heard from Plano officials. Frankly, once your shouting began on that segment, neither I nor anyone else watching the program could even figure out what you thought Rob was misrepresenting. You yelled that you never alleged green and red clothing was banned, but then followed it with a claim that Plano told students not to bring �red and green stuff and parents to the party.� Did you mean parents couldn�t be red or green (so few of us come in those colors) or that they couldn�t wear red and green?

You claimed that Mr. Boston called you a �liar,� but you baited him into confirming the characterization. I have been a talk show co-host with the best in the business, including Oliver North and Pat Buchanan. If you basically ask a guest to call you a liar, don�t be surprised if he does. That�s in the �Talk-Show Hosting 101 Manual.�

You even had a guest on the show supporting your position who wanted to weigh in on your side about Plano and you humiliated him at least three times by screaming at him to �pipe down�(twice) and to �stop� (once). And since we are on the topic of etiquette, you probably should not have had your producer call Mr. Boston later in the evening during your radio show and then get on the phone and proceed to tell him that you hope you never encounter him in a bar. Threats made by talk-show hosts about bar fights with their guests merely contribute to the already-pervasive public opinion that talk-show hosts rank only barely above clowns in the entertainment hierarchy.

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