In an NBC/WSJ poll released today, a majority of Americans feel their reps in Congress should be replaced, not retained. By a 51-37 margin, they favor throwing the bums out. These levels haven't been seen since the end of the Clinton era (Note to Dems- they didn't throw them out then, either; but the margin of disgust is higher now than then, so maybe.....)
On a related question, the public now favors a Democrat controlled Congress to one controlled by the Repugs. This has been true, to some extent, since '04, but the numbers seem to trending in the Dems favor. More good news?
The respondents also favor the Dems on every issue, except the war on terror and maintaining a strong defense (are they paying attention?). The other semi-surprising result was that, altho more think the Repugs do, a majority thinks the Dems have a clear/very clear 'message/vision for the future.' This is a very good sign (just wish it were true!)
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