Monday, November 21, 2005

Back Stabber

The Marine whom Rep. Jean "Piece of" Schmidt quoted on the floor in Friday's donnybrook in the House has denied that he was attempting to besmirch Congressman Murtha.

A colonel in the Marine reserves has taken issue with how his views were represented in a Republican attack last week on Representative Murtha.


But a spokeswoman for the colonel, Danny R. Bubp, said Ms. Schmidt had misconstrued their conversation.

While Mr. Bubp, a Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives, opposes a quick withdrawal for forces, "he did not mention Congressman Murtha by name nor did he mean to disparage Congressman Murtha," said Karen Tabor, his spokeswoman. "He feels as though the words that Congresswoman Schmidt chose did not represent their conversation."

We know that Schmidt, who has denied knowing that Murtha was a Marine (is she stupid or lying or both?), and Bubp are both lying about this, but it's fun to see them stab each other in the back in the process.

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