Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Is the Obama Admin. About to Block Plan B Access? | Mother Jones

A new FDA decision could signal that emergency contraception won't be available to everyone after all.

Blogs | Mother Jones

High-Speed Trading Fairy Tales Come to Chicago

SignOn.org - End The Prefunding Of Retiree Benefits In USPS

THIS and this alone is the reason why the USPS is horribly in debt. No other corporation is required to meet the same requirements, nor could it remain in business if it had too. Another 'gift' from the Repugs.

Jason Collins Is Not the First Out Gay Pro Athlete | Mother Jones

There have been a number of out, professional women atheletes before him.

Glenn Greenwald vs. former CIA on US foreign policy fueling jihad

Glenn Greenwald debates a foreign CIA officer about whether US violence abroad fuels jihad.

New Koch Brothers Group Revamps Billionaires' Dark Money Operation

WASHINGTON -- The sprawling conservative network backed by the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch is being overhauled, with some key Koch operatives moving to a fledgling "dark money" group that is poised to become a chief financing vehicle for the mega donors

Why Are Media Ignoring TX Fertilizer Plant's History Of Skirting Regulations? | Blog | Media Matters for America

All three cable news networks failed to highlight a West, Texas, fertilizer plant's storage of 270 tons of ammonium nitrate -- 1,350 times the amount allowed without disclosure to the federal government -- in reporting on the April 17 explosion at that plant.

Wrong Wrong Wrong

Polling Backlash For Senators Who Opposed Background Checks | TPMDC

Anyone who doubted that senators could suffer political fallout for their opposition to expanding background checks on gun buyers may want to talk to Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ).

Fox's Bolling: Christie Should "Act Like A Republican" And Stop Praising Obama For Sandy Response | Video | Media Matters for America

Fux Fox!

How Big Pharma Is Killing Americans

Last year, 11 of the 12 new-to-market drugs approved by the FDA were priced above $100,000 per-patient per-year!

We Are All Free Traders Now | Mother Jones

We Are All Free Traders Now | Mother Jones

Tax Analysts -- Taxpayers Subsidize Rich Anti-Taxers

Great post from the inimitable David Cay Johnson

Daily Kos: The GOP's demographic deficit: Black voters outperforming whites

America truly is changing.

America's blacks voted at a higher rate than other minority groups in 2012 and by most measures surpassed the white turnout for the first time

Stop Pushing Austerity | Rcooley123's Blog

Stop Pushing Austerity | Rcooley123's Blog

"The constant call, primarily by Republicans in Congress, for drastic spending reductions in order to eliminate the federal budget deficit within ten years without further increasing tax revenues seems to have hit a snag recently. The work of Harvard economists Reinhard and Rogoff turns out to have included serious errors which cast the validity of their conclusions, used widely by those seeking to institute such austerity policies in this country in great doubt."

Four Republicans Who Don't Understand the Constitution They've Sworn to Defend | Mother Jones

The Obama administration doesn't get to choose whether Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is read his rights.

Democrats ask: What debt crisis? - Ben White and Tarini Parti - POLITICO.com

Democrats ask: What debt crisis? - Ben White and Tarini Parti - POLITICO.com

The two parties are miles apart on how to cut the deficit and national debt: Republicans want to slash spending even more. Democrats want to raise revenue.

And then there are the other Democrats — the ones who reject the entire premise of the current high-stakes fiscal fight. There’s no short-term deficit problem, they say, and there isn’t even an urgent debt crisis that requires immediate attention.

The Story of Our Time - NYTimes.com

A refresher on our economic woes, and why this is a very bad time for cuts.

The Urban Fire Next Time - NYTimes.com

Cities are entering a new era of neglect by the federal government.

Bill on Sales Tax for Internet Purchases Divides Republicans - NYTimes.com

Antitax groups seem to be losing their influence, as Republican lawmakers’ constituents support legislation that would require Internet retailers to collect sales taxes.

I'm divided too, but I think, ultimately, it needs to be done.  DPN

House Plan: Illegal Immigrants Sentenced to Probation | Goppers

House immigration negotiators believe they might have found a way to soften conservative criticism directed at a proposal that would provide millions of illegal immigrants with a pathway to citizenship.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Out for the day.... will post tonight... try to survive without me :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

When Your Boss Steals Your Wages: The Invisible Trend That's Sweeping America

Wage theft is fast becoming a top trend of the 21st-century labor market.

Gov. Rick Perry weighs in on Texas explosion cartoon - Letters to the Editor - The Sacramento Bee

Poor Guv Goodhair... sooooo sensitive (to his own pain, anyway...)

Abrams Tank Pushed By Congress Despite Army's Protests

Built to dominate the enemy in combat, the Army's hulking Abrams tank is proving equally hard to beat in a budget battle. Lawmakers from both parties have devoted nearly half a billion dollars in taxpayer money over the past two years to build improved versions of the 70-ton Abrams.

More Fact Free Shit From Faux Noise

CNN Will Continue To Fail Because They Refuse To Listen To Jon Stewart

For ten years, Jon Stewart has been telling CNN what's wrong with their network, and they have responding doing the very things that caused their downfall. Things like reviving Crossfire.

 (Anybody who calls Tucker Carlson a dick, to his face, is a good guy in my book!)

If only Congress considered unemployment as urgent as flight delays — MSNBC

Our Congress will show up in response to the most visible and vocal victims of their policy-making. But what about when no one's watching, and the victims are marginalized and rendered invisible by inattention, like millions of Americans among the long-term unemployed? That's a different story.

Daily Kos: Peer into the Soul of the Hardcore Rush Limbaugh Fan

Daily Kos: Peer into the Soul of the Hardcore Rush Limbaugh Fan

Yesterday a Flush Rush Facebook volunteer received an email from a Buffalo dentist in response to a cordial note explaining that his ads were playing on Rush Limbaugh and suggesting he consider moving the ad due to offensive content on that show.

The email provides an interesting if frustrating look into the mind of the hardcore Limbaugh fan:

Join the fight to flush Rush Limbaugh!

Join the fight to flush Rush Limbaugh!

Must see: Greenwald, Moyers and Chris Hayes too: Hullabaloo

Must see: Greenwald, Moyers and Chris Hayes too

Bradley Manning is off limits at SF Gay Pride parade, but corporate sleaze is embraced | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

Glenn Greenwald shows that not every gay person (or organization) can be right all the time! Altho, this takes being wrong to deplorable new territory.

Rep. Schiff confirms 'wire intercept' between Tsarnaevs - Video on NBCNews.com

Rep. Schiff confirms 'wire intercept' between Tsarnaevs - Video on NBCNews.com

Not Separated Enough

Congress Makes Sure they Have No Flight Delays, While Sequestration Heaps Huge Damage on Many Millions | Alternet

A flight delay is inconvenient, not being able to receive your cancer treatment is a matter of life and death.e Sequestration Heaps Huge Damage on Many Millions | Alternet

In 2012 Election, African American Voters Surpassed White Turnout For The First Time Ever | ThinkProgress

In 2012 Election, African American Voters Surpassed White Turnout For The First Time Ever | ThinkProgress

Fox News: “Global Warming” versus “Climate Change”.

Check your brain at the door...

McCain: Save Defense Spending From the Sequester | Video Cafe

No... save poor people from John McCain!deo Cafe

Biden: 'We will not yield to fear' of 'knock-off jihadists'

Biden: 'We will not yield to fear' of 'knock-off jihadists'

Anti Labor Bashing

REPORT: Cable News Ignores TX Fertilizer Plant's Regulation Violation | Research | Media Matters for America

Yet another MSM Fail! In reporting on the factory explosion in West, Texas, cable news virtually ignored the fertilizer company's storage of 270 tons of ammonium nitrate at the plant, which is 1,350 times the amount that is allowed to be stored without disclosure to the federal government.

America's Gun Problem Explained - Business Insider

My gun's bigger than your gun...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Frank Luntz Withdraws University of Pennsylvania Scholarship Over Secret Tape | Mother Jones

Luntz has said he will not renew a university scholarship after one of their students leaked Luntz's remarks to Mother Jones.

GOP Congressman: Obama's 'Political Correctness' On Islam Led To Boston Bombings | ThinkProgress

A little demo of Louie's tin-hat-y-ness :)

Sarcasm for Big Louie (all tin hat, no cattle?) :)

Louie Gohmert: "This administration has so many Muslim Brotherhood members that I'm worried my tinfoil hat won't protect me from them."

CISPA is "Dead for Now," Thanks to Left-Right Coalition for Online Privacy | The Nation

Hurray for our side, and for privacy and liberty!

Chris Hayes explains how Dick Cheney’s son-in-law deregulated chemical plants | The Raw Story

Chris Hayes explains how Dick Cheney’s son-in-law deregulated chemical plants

A Lawyer, A Wizard, And A Vampire All Walk Into An Infographic...

Apropos of nothing, just piqued my interest :)

STUDY: Obamacare Has Given 3.4 Million Young Americans Access To Health Insurance | ThinkProgress

Only 327 miillion to go...

Cash for Road Repair in Shale Areas Proves Elusive | The Texas Tribune

Efforts by state lawmakers to find money to repair South and West Texas roads torn up amid a drilling boom appear to be stalling, according to some officials working on the matter. Officials warn about the hazards of not maintaining these roads.

Karl Rove Ranks Bush's Presidency Somewhere 'Up There,' Just Below Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, FDR

Okay... I have to throw up and lie down, now.... hopefully, in that order :)

Frank Luntz Calls Rush Limbaugh 'Problematic' In Secret Tape

Oh, be still my heart! :)

Reason Foundation - Air Traffic Control Newsletter #102

Even as a flier, I like the idea of user fees....

O'Reilly Gives Beck Airtime to Peddle Boston Bombing Conspiracy Theory | Video Cafe

Oy Gevult!

Hayes on the Bush Presidency: 'It Was Just as Bad as You Thought' | Video Cafe

Chris don't play dat, homie....


Sequester game over?

Jon Stewart Slams Fox for Wanting to Shred Our Bill of Rights | Video Cafe

From this Wednesday evening's The Daily Show, Jon Stewart took the bed-wetters over at Faux "News" to task for wanting to shred our Constitution and Bill of Rights, ever since the suspect was arrested for the Boston Marathon bombings.

The National Memo » Overdue Questions: What Might Be Missing From Bush’s Presidential Library

What might be missing? A series of indictments from ICC!?!?!?!

Exploding the Debt Threshold Myth

Morons, even with PhDs

Drug Czar Defends Funding Punishment Over Prevention

Cuz prohibiting and penalizing stuff works so much better than legalization. Thank God, we were cured of the scourges of alcohol and prostitution.

North Dakota Voter ID Bill Threatens to Silence Native Votes Just Eight Days After Republican Congressman Cramer Publicly Bashes Tribes and Threatens Native Leaders

North Dakota Voter ID Bill Threatens to Silence Native Votes Just Eight Days After Republican Congressman Cramer Publicly Bashes Tribes and Threatens Native Leaders

One would think that if you’re a U.S. Congressman who insulted your state’s largest minority population and threatened bodily injury to their Tribally-elected leaders while in the process of verbally assaulting a Native American woman at a very public state coalition meeting for Abused Women’s Services that you would apologize. That would be the smart, decent thing to do, right?

Are Student Loans Becoming a Macroeconomic Issue?

Are Student Loans Becoming a Macroeconomic Issue?

George W. Bush's Presidential Library Is a Fraud: He Was Installed in a Right Wing Putsch

Having grown up in Texas, lived through the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK, survived the seventies and been paying attention all along, I tend to agree with this. The only thing I'd add, is that this is nothing new.

New Effort To Curb Too Big To Fail Creates Strange Bedfellows | TPMDC

Sherrod Brown, along with David Vitter, is pressing ahead with a new bill to impose much stricter capital requirements on megabanks, which they define as institutions with over $500 billion in assets.llows | TPMDC

Issa’s absurd claim that Clinton’s ‘signature’ means she personally approved it - The Washington Post

Republican stupidity runs rampant

Terrorism: Are American Citizens Retaliation Victims of the Bush-Obama Immoral Wars?

Even if they're not, that's not to say the next batch won't be.

Obama: Stay Out of Syria! | The Nation

The answer is diplomacy, not war.

Barack Obama's Syrian 'red line' comes back to bite him - Ted R. Bromund

In Syria, Barack Obama can back a rebellion that is increasingly dominated by radical Islamists, or he can ignore the growing evidence of Assad's use of chemical weapons.

Receding Parties

One of these days it will be the Democrats and the Libertarians. And just like the Whigs, the GOP will fade away and be forgotten.

With Reemergence Of Bush Comes The Return Of National Security Politics | Mediaite

With Reemergence Of Bush Comes The Return Of National Security Politics | Mediaite

There are times when the flow of history follows an almost poetic trajectory. The equal parts tragic and galvanizing events of the past two weeks are representative of that rare phenomenon.

Save the Los Angeles Times - Common Cause

Los Angeles deserves better. Tell the Tribune Company, owners of the Times: No sale to the Kochs.

Petition: No Cuts

Petition: No Cuts


Sign up to help stop Keystone!

Be Citizen Whip!

Be a Citizen Whip!

WA Bill Would Allow Businesses to Openly Discriminate Against Gays | Alternet

That's okay. I discriminate against drooling, mouth-breathing moronic products of incest, which pretty much covers the Republican spectrum.

The Corrections Corporation of America's Latest Shady Business? Tax Evasion | Alternet

This is an industry that needs extermination. And it's symptomatic of a movement that needs extermination, too. The whole idea of 'privatization', with a few exceptions, is just awful and wrong, particularly in cases of detention and incarceration.

Jackass of the Day: Arizona University Student Sermonizes With Sign Saying "You Deserve Rape" | Alternet

ICYMI: Meet "Brother Dean Samuel," known hatemonger.

New Mexico Republican Calls 19-Year-Old Girl Working for Fair Wages a 'Radical Bitch' | Alternet

Why are Republicans still tweeting?

Watch: The Daily Show Takes on the Bush Library and 'Disasterpiece Theater' | Alternet

"Invade Iraq? Yes. Rescue New Orleans? No. Bail out Wall Street? Pass the checkbook."

How Can White Americans Be Free? | Alternet

The default belief that the white experience is a neutral and objective one hurts both white and American culture.

Matt Taibbi on Wall Street's Astronomical "Space-Age Stealing" | Alternet

The scathing new article reveals that the "biggest financial corruption case in history" just got infinitely worse.

Daily Kos: The Retirement Game - 401K Complexities Just Like Health Insurance

If you have a 401k then you should watch this PBS video by all means and see how Hedge Funds skim off and play with the money.

'The Mommy Business Trip' And Other Silly Insults To Women

'The Mommy Business Trip' And Other Silly Insults To Women

How Capitalism Is Dismembering America | Alternet

If there's any way capitalism can work, it has to be regulated. Otherwise greed takes over.

Economic Slowdown Coming - Even for the Fatcats | Alternet

Do they hear the sound of the air hissing out of the economy?

Why the Austerity 'Spreadsheet Scandal' Should Kill Obama's Social Security Cut | Alternet

Reinhart and Rogoff are discredited. So is the President's budget.

Billions of Corporate Dollars Are Hijacking University Research to Help Make Profits | Alternet

The infusion of money at universities like UC Berkeley have drastically affected scientific inquiry in the United States.

Erskine Bowles Dismisses Facts on Deficits. Perhaps Because He Collects Millions for Deceiving the Public? | Alternet


Get Ready for Higher Prices and Less Energy Security: Our Natural Gas Reserves Are Being Plundered For Export | Alternet

A deeply flawed study that ignores the harmful environmental and health impacts of gas drilling is being used to rally for exports.

Discredited Harvard Austerity-Pushers Reinhart and Rogoff Keep Lying to Protect Themselves | Alternet

They're having a bad week. But not as bad as those who lost everything to misguided austerity.

'Free Market' Ayn Rand Ideology Was a Root Cause of the Horrific Explosion in Texas | Alternet

Well, 'objectivsm' combined with good old Texas stupidity....

Gavin Newsom: "It is Time for CA to Decriminalize, Tax, and Regulate Pot' | Alternet

The lieutenant governor of California is calling on his state to lead the nation in progressive drug policies.

Fox News: Should Kids Have to Work For School Lunches? | Alternet

This is just reprehensible

Plummeting Gold Prices Won't Stop Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck's Sponsors from Trying To Sell You More | Alternet

I like gold and it's recovering from its lows, but the average investor shouldn't be investing in gold any more than they should be investing in anything beyond the most basic ETFs. They just don't know what they're doing. Which means, of course, that I want every Hannity and Beck supporter to invest EVERY DIME they have in it and go out on margin as far as they'll let you..... voila! Brand new democratic voters in the next downdraft :)

The "Facts" Keep Changing About the Boston Bombings -- And It's Fueling a Conspiracy Theory Industry | Alternet

Given the choice between accepting police incompetence and media stupidity or a vast shadowy conspiracy to do.... uh.... something, I'll go with incompetence and stupidity.

Shock: Tom Brokaw Acknowledged That America's Attacks Abroad Increase the Risk of Attacks at Home | Alternet

Maybe we should remember the old 'do unto others' thing a little more and the old 'eye for an eye' thing a bit less? Just saying...

Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution | Alternet

A breath of fresh thinking on what's wrong with our political and economic systems and how to transform them.

6 New Ways Big Pharma Is Scheming to Make Billions at the Expense of Your Health | Alternet

With many of Big Pharma's biggest hits going off patent, the industry is looking for new ways to deliver earnings to Wall Street.

James Hansen: The One Thing We Should Be Doing to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change | Alternet

James Hansen: The One Thing We Should Be Doing to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change | Alternet

Should Monsanto own patent rights on the elements of life? - Los Angeles Times

Kiss the food supply goodbye.... it's all going to be in the hands of the oligarchs soon.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Maddow slams right-wing mainstreaming of crackpots like Alex Jones | The Raw Story

Maddow slams right-wing mainstreaming of crackpots like Alex Jones | The Raw Story

Pay No Attention to the Man (Men?) Behind the Curtain...


Do unto others yadda yadda yadda

She's okay with shoving HER religion down YOUR throat, but god forbid you should trying shoving yours at her (sorta like her relationship with Marcus....)

Exit Strategy

Ohmigod! What a load of elephant-shit (also a renewable resource!) this is.


From Keith Olbermann Fan Page
Republicans created the monsters (Fox News and Right Wing talk radio) and now they don't how to kill them. Meaning rid themselves of their rhetoric, lies, and propaganda.

What Happens When A Die-Hard Homophobe Meets Neil Patrick Harris?

Kryptonite to homophobes

Never to be forgiven...


Surplus hypocrisy

Senate approves FAA fix; House up next - Burgess Everett and Adam Snider - POLITICO.com

I'm not sure who capitulated to whom, but I'm glad we, at least, got this part of the sequester ousted.

France's Anti-Gay Marriage Protesters Have Blood On Their Hands | Care2 Causes

France's Anti-Gay Marriage Protesters Have Blood On Their Hands | Care2 Causes

Time To Look For Planet B? Stephen Hawking Says Yes. | Care2 Causes

The truth is out there...

We Dare You To Look At This And Tell Us Chained CPI Isn’t A Social Security Cut | MoveOn.Org

Of COURSE. it's a cut.... it's just wrong to screw with people after they've contributed their whole lives and say, Ooops, sorry, we're going to screw you now.

Robert Reich: Everything You Need to Know About How Chained CPI Will Screw Over Seniors | Alternet

Another great vid from Reich

Worst President in America History Is Trying to Spin His Nightmare Legacy | Alternet

Horrible Governor, Horrible Prezit, Horrible person.

Why It's Literally Sickening to Ban Whistleblowers from Exposing Cruelty at Factory Farms | Alternet

Not a huge fan of PETA et al, but this is really important to everyone! At least, those that eat! :)

The Billionaire Brothers Behind America's Predator Drones -- And Their Very Strange Past | Alternet

Linden Stanley and James Neal Blue's General Atomics has a massive stake in the drone industry. But that's just the start.

50 Reasons You Despised George W. Bush's Presidency: A Reminder on the Day of His Presidential Library Dedication | Alternet

What? Only 50?

Myths & Facts Behind The Campaign To Attack Disability Benefits | Research | Media Matters for America

Myths & Facts Behind The Campaign To Attack Disability Benefits | Research | Media Matters for America

Just the facts, ma'am!

Fox News Gets Its Politicized Benghazi Report | Blog | Media Matters for America

Fox News Gets Its Politicized Benghazi Report | Blog | Media Matters for America

Fox's Bolling: Rep. Ellison Is "The Muslim Apologist In Congress" And "Very Dangerous" | Blog | Media Matters for America

Fox's Bolling: Rep. Ellison Is "The Muslim Apologist In Congress" And "Very Dangerous" | Blog | Media Matters for America

Historians, WH Reporters: Press Shouldn't "Whitewash" Bush Record In Library Reports | Blog | Media Matters for America

Historians, WH Reporters: Press Shouldn't "Whitewash" Bush Record In Library Reports | Blog | Media Matters for America

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Eric Bolling Attacks Rep. Ellison as 'Muslim Apologist In Congress' and 'Very Dangerous' | Video Cafe

Eric Bolling Attacks Rep. Ellison as 'Muslim Apologist In Congress' and 'Very Dangerous' | Video Cafe

Where would you rather live: small-government Somalia or big-government Sweden?

Where would you rather live: small-government Somalia or big-government Sweden?

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked To Racism And Low I.Q. - Americans Against the Tea Party

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked To Racism And Low I.Q. - Americans Against the Tea Party

Republicans Too Busy Ranting on Fox News to Actually Write Any Bills | Alternet

Republicans Too Busy Ranting on Fox News to Actually Write Any Bills | Alternet

Missouri Republicans vote to stop issuing driver’s licenses over gun records conspiracy theory | The Raw Story

Missouri Republicans vote to stop issuing driver’s licenses over gun records conspiracy theory | The Raw Story

These fuckers are just batshit crazy. I swear, their pictures are in the dictionary next to the definition of clinically insane.

Judge concerned by NYPD officers’ testimony in stop and frisk trial | The Raw Story

Judge concerned by NYPD officers’ testimony in stop and frisk trial | The Raw Story

Right to Work Could Cost Him His Job as Democrats Are Tied With Rick Snyder

Right to Work Could Cost Him His Job as Democrats Are Tied With Rick Snyder

Stupid politics in a heavily union state, Rickie.... moron!

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

North Korea rejects US conditions for talks | World news | guardian.co.uk

North Korea rejects US conditions for talks | World news | guardian.co.uk

Fox's Kilmeade Suggests Constitutional Rights Should Not Apply To All American Citizens | Video | Media Matters for America

Fox's Kilmeade Suggests Constitutional Rights Should Not Apply To All American Citizens | Video | Media Matters for America

Fertilizer Industry Groups Have Been Lobbying Against Safety Regulations

Fertilizer Industry Groups Have Been Lobbying Against Safety Regulations

Well, of *course* they have! Safety costs money, and workers are easy to replace! (Sarcasm, of course.)

After Demanding Senate Pass A Budget, GOP Refuses To Enter Budget Negotiations | ThinkProgress

After Demanding Senate Pass A Budget, GOP Refuses To Enter Budget Negotiations | ThinkProgress

Special interests win on background checks - Opinion - The Buffalo News

Special interests win on background checks - Opinion - The Buffalo News

Limbaugh Agrees With Caller That Boston Bombers Were Influenced By City's "Liberal Elite Intellectual Thought" | Video | Media Matters for America

Limbaugh Agrees With Caller That Boston Bombers Were Influenced By City's "Liberal Elite Intellectual Thought" | Video | Media Matters for America

Fox's Bolling Calls For Use Of "Torture" On Boston Bombings Suspect | Video | Media Matters for America

Fox's Bolling Calls For Use Of "Torture" On Boston Bombings Suspect | Video | Media Matters for America

Big day for Bolling... putz!

Global Ponzi Scheme: We're Taking $7.3 Trillion A Year In Natural Capital From Our Children Without Paying For It | ThinkProgress

Global Ponzi Scheme: We're Taking $7.3 Trillion A Year In Natural Capital From Our Children Without Paying For It | ThinkProgress

Fox's Bolling: Bush "Kept Us Safe" From 9/12/01 Until Obama Administration | Video | Media Matters for America

Aside from THAT, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Murdoch’s Horribly Irresponsible Tabloid is Doomed | Alternet

Murdoch’s Horribly Irresponsible Tabloid is Doomed | Alternet

Republican Lawmaker Forces Radio Show Off The Air After Hosts Criticized His Policies | Alternet

Republican Lawmaker Forces Radio Show Off The Air After Hosts Criticized His Policies | Alternet

Will Visitors to George W. Bush's New Presidential "Lie Bury" Fall for the Gimmicky Game That Helps Him Evade Accountability? | Alternet

Will Visitors to George W. Bush's New Presidential "Lie Bury" Fall for the Gimmicky Game That Helps Him Evade Accountability? | Alternet

Boston Marathon Suspect's Treatment Shows How 'War on Terror' Has Killed Basic Rights | Alternet

Boston Marathon Suspect's Treatment Shows How 'War on Terror' Has Killed Basic Rights | Alternet

Glenn Beck Comes Up With Most Absurd Conspiracy Theory About Boston | Alternet

Glenn Beck Comes Up With Most Absurd Conspiracy Theory About Boston | Alternet

Study: Belief in Free-Market Economics Linked to Distrust of Science | Alternet

Study: Belief in Free-Market Economics Linked to Distrust of Science | Alternet

Glenn Greenwald: How Do We Know That the Boston Bombings Were an Act of Terrorism? | Alternet

Glenn Greenwald: How Do We Know That the Boston Bombings Were an Act of Terrorism? | Alternet

Koch Brothers Plan to Buy up Eight Major Newspapers | Alternet

Koch Brothers Plan to Buy up Eight Major Newspapers | Alternet

Two of the four most prominent papers in the country?!?!? This is 'end of newspapers as we know them' territory! I'm not sure I want any papers to survive if they're in the hands of these evil, manipulative bastards.

Robert Greenwald Exposes the War on Whistleblowers and the Rise of Our National Security State | Alternet

Robert Greenwald Exposes the War on Whistleblowers and the Rise of Our National Security State | Alternet

A new film directed by Robert Greenwald looks at four whistleblowers who had their lives practically destroyed after they went to the press with evidence of government wrongdoing.

Why We Need to Understand the Apocalyptic Worldview of a Small Group of Radical Muslims | Alternet

Why We Need to Understand the Apocalyptic Worldview of a Small Group of Radical Muslims | Alternet

Unbelievable! Bowles and Simpson Release New Deficit-Reduction Plan Based on Discredited Austerity Research | Alternet

Unbelievable! Bowles and Simpson Release New Deficit-Reduction Plan Based on Discredited Austerity Research | Alternet

How Boston Exposes America’s Dark Post-9/11 Bargain | Alternet

How Boston Exposes America’s Dark Post-9/11 Bargain | Alternet

Why did this story drive the whole country nuts? Because we traded rights for "security," and didn't get either.

Resource Shock: How Resource Scarcity and Climate Change Could Produce a Global Explosion | Alternet

Resource Shock: How Resource Scarcity and Climate Change Could Produce a Global Explosion | Alternet

Into the War Zone | TPM Editors Blog

Into the War Zone | TPM Editors Blog

Daily Kos: The traditional media's shoddy reporting on the Keystone XL pipeline is no surprise

Daily Kos: The traditional media's shoddy reporting on the Keystone XL pipeline is no surprise

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Texas Fertilizer Plant Kept Quiet About Huge Stores Of Explosive Substance

Texas Fertilizer Plant Kept Quiet About Huge Stores Of Explosive Substance

The fertilizer plant that exploded on Wednesday, obliterating part of a small Texas town and killing at least 14 people, had last year been storing 1,350 times the amount of ammonium nitrate that would normally trigger safety oversight by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 

Kick all the natives out? :)

Nevada buses hundreds of mentally ill patients to cities around country - Investigations - The Sacramento Bee

Nevada buses hundreds of mentally ill patients to cities around country - Investigations - The Sacramento Bee

Too close to Arizona? The callous disregard for human life seems to have slopped over...

13 People Who Are Dead Because Of America's Futile War On Drugs

13 People Who Are Dead Because Of America's Futile War On Drugs

Hypocrisy much?


Friday, April 19, 2013

Forward Progressives — Texas Senator Ted Cruz Seeks Federal Aid for Explosion After Voting Against Sandy Relief

Forward Progressives — Texas Senator Ted Cruz Seeks Federal Aid for Explosion After Voting Against Sandy Relief

And the hypocrisy just keeps on coming….

Senator Writes Off American Justice System In One Tweet | ThinkProgress

Senator Writes Off American Justice System In One Tweet | ThinkProgress

After Making $2 Billion In Profits, Insurer Complains It Doesn't Get Enough Government Money | ThinkProgress

Fuckfaces.... they all need to be wiped out and Medicare should be expanded to all.



North Carolina Senator Tommy Tucker: "I am the Senator. You are the citizen. You need to be quiet." | Popehat

North Carolina Senator Tommy Tucker: "I am the Senator. You are the citizen. You need to be quiet." | Popehat

Texas Is Anti-EPA and Their Citizens Have Paid With Their Lives

Texas Is Anti-EPA and Their Citizens Have Paid With Their Lives

Conservative Logic: Mass Shooters = More Guns, But 3 Immigrant Bombers = No Immigration

Conservative Logic: Mass Shooters = More Guns, But 3 Immigrant Bombers = No Immigration

House Republicans Praise Exxon for Arkansas Oil Spill That Taxpayers are Cleaning Up

House Republicans Praise Exxon for Arkansas Oil Spill That Taxpayers are Cleaning Up

Irony: Victims of Gun Violence Subjected to Background Checks by Senate

Irony: Victims of Gun Violence Subjected to Background Checks by Senate

High Schooler Protests 'Slut-Shaming' Abstinence Assembly

High Schooler Protests 'Slut-Shaming' Abstinence Assembly

Are the Banks Already Orchestrating Another Meltdown? | Alternet

Are the Banks Already Orchestrating Another Meltdown? | Alternet

Nestlé CEO Says Water Is Food That Should Be Privatized - Not A Human Right - American Live Wire | American Live Wire

Burn this motherfucker at the stake.

Neo-Con Radio Host, Bob Davis (AKA Asshole), Tells Newtown to “Deal With It” and “Go To Hell” | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

Neo-Con Radio Host, Bob Davis (AKA Asshole), Tells Newtown to “Deal With It” and “Go To Hell” | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

Historic Win For Progressives as Boy Scouts Lift 103-Year-Old Ban on Gay Youth.

Historic Win For Progressives as Boy Scouts Lift 103-Year-Old Ban on Gay Youth.

Al Qaeda Urges Terrorists To Buy Guns In U.S.: It’s Easy; Gun Laws Are Weak | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

Al Qaeda Urges Terrorists To Buy Guns In U.S.: It’s Easy; Gun Laws Are Weak | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

America is being crucified, to come to think on it...

Sex To Blame For Recent Tragedies? Yes, According To One Group And No, It’s Wasn’t WBC | Addicting Info

Sex To Blame For Recent Tragedies? Yes, According To One Group And No, It’s Wasn’t WBC | Addicting Info


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Corporate Greed Has Disemboweled America's Public Transportation System, Causing Deadly Accidents All over the Country | Alternet

Corporate Greed Has Disemboweled America's Public Transportation System, Causing Deadly Accidents All over the Country | Alternet

These are the worst conditions for mass transit since the Depression.

American People Fight Obama’s Treacherous Cuts to Social Security and Medicare | Alternet

American People Fight Obama’s Treacherous Cuts to Social Security and Medicare | Alternet

Robert Reich is a Good Man But He Falls Into the Austerity Trap | Alternet

Robert Reich is a Good Man But He Falls Into the Austerity Trap | Alternet

Nobel Prize-Winner Joe Stiglitz Blasts America's 1 Percent-Coddling Tax System | Alternet

Nobel Prize-Winner Joe Stiglitz Blasts America's 1 Percent-Coddling Tax System | Alternet

The U.S. stands out among advanced countries for its highly regressive tax code.

Twisted Tale of Bad Math and Hubris: Global Austerity Based on a Spreadsheet Error | Alternet

Twisted Tale of Bad Math and Hubris: Global Austerity Based on a Spreadsheet Error | Alternet

A Senate in the Gun Lobby’s Grip - NYTimes.com

Read this! Burn it into your heart. Then, take the torch from Gabby and run with it. Let's not rest til the Senate moves in the right direction.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New York Launches Investigation Into Private Prison Health Care Company Linked To Nine Deaths | ThinkProgress

New York Launches Investigation Into Private Prison Health Care Company Linked To Nine Deaths | ThinkProgress

Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Boston Marathon Attack Edition | Crooks and Liars

Stupid Right-Wing Tweets: Boston Marathon Attack Edition | Crooks and Liars

Details of sweeping Senate immigration plan revealed - First Read

Details of sweeping Senate immigration plan revealed - First Read

It's Official: U.S. Practiced Torture Post-9/11 | Occupy America

It's Official: U.S. Practiced Torture Post-9/11 | Occupy America

Tens of millions to receive substance abuse help under Obama’s health reform law | The Raw Story

Tens of millions to receive substance abuse help under Obama’s health reform law | The Raw Story

Nouveau Entitlements

NRA Intransigence Kills

Fox Contributor Erik Rush Tweets 'Let's Kill Them All' After Accusing Muslims of Boston Attack - Americans Against the Tea Party

Fox Contributor Erik Rush Tweets 'Let's Kill Them All' After Accusing Muslims of Boston Attack - Americans Against the Tea Party

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Duck Genitals, Bisexual Frogs and Other Right-Wing Anti-Science Inanities | The Nation

Duck Genitals, Bisexual Frogs and Other Right-Wing Anti-Science Inanities | The Nation

Exclusive: As his presidential library debuts, George W. Bush prepares to return to public stage on his own terms | Dallasnews.com - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Exclusive: As his presidential library debuts, George W. Bush prepares to return to public stage on his own terms | Dallasnews.com - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Opinion: ‘Dash to gas’ has downside for energy policy - Christine Todd Whitman - POLITICO.com

Opinion: ‘Dash to gas’ has downside for energy policy - Christine Todd Whitman - POLITICO.com

Editorial | Regress Kentucky | The Courier-Journal | courier-journal.com

Editorial | Regress Kentucky | The Courier-Journal | courier-journal.com

The War on Whistleblowers: Robert Greenwald Slams Obama's Prosecutions | Crooks and Liars

The War on Whistleblowers: Robert Greenwald Slams Obama's Prosecutions | Crooks and Liars

Joe Miller 2014? Alaska Tea Partier Weighs Another Senate Bid

Joe Miller 2014? Alaska Tea Partier Weighs Another Senate Bid

Run, Moron, Run. See Moron run.

Justin Trudeau Elected Leader of Liberal Party of Canada - NYTimes.com

Justin Trudeau Elected Leader of Liberal Party of Canada - NYTimes.com

The Antisocial Network of Bitcoins - NYTimes.com

The Antisocial Network of Bitcoins - NYTimes.com

New Study Shows Once Again How "Climategate" Emails Were Distorted | Blog | Media Matters for America

New Study Shows Once Again How "Climategate" Emails Were Distorted | Blog | Media Matters for America

Every politician who discussed climate change on TV in 2012 was a Repug (Imagine how educated and edified the Public was from that...)

6 Sneaky Ways the Christian Right Foists Its Biblical Agenda on America | Alternet

6 Sneaky Ways the Christian Right Foists Its Biblical Agenda on America | Alternet

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2012: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation | Mother Jones

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2012: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation | Mother Jones

Who's the Fiscally Responsible Party, Again?

How conservatives invented “voter fraud” to attack civil rights - Salon.com

How conservatives invented “voter fraud” to attack civil rights - Salon.com

Texas GOP Warns of Democratic Group's 'Slimy Dark Arts' - Washington Wire - WSJ

Texas GOP Warns of Democratic Group's 'Slimy Dark Arts' - Washington Wire - WSJ

Gun Control Fact: Gun Deaths Are Twice As High In The Most Pro-Gun States - YouTube

Gun Control Fact: Gun Deaths Are Twice As High In The Most Pro-Gun States - YouTube

Forward Progressives — If Republican Ideology Is So Great, Why Are So Many of Their States Poor?

Forward Progressives — If Republican Ideology Is So Great, Why Are So Many of Their States Poor?

Welcome to Little Baghdad, California | Alternet

Welcome to Little Baghdad, California | Alternet


Marco Rubio’s ‘Serious’ Plan To ‘Fix’ Immigration By Creating Permanent Slave Class | Addicting Info

Marco Rubio’s ‘Serious’ Plan To ‘Fix’ Immigration By Creating Permanent Slave Class | Addicting Info

On Fairness and Lions...

One of the Great Minds of Our Time (except for all the others!)

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Nutty 'Climate Hoax' Proponent on Environment Committee, James Inhofe! (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party

Bernie Sanders Calls Out Nutty 'Climate Hoax' Proponent on Environment Committee, James Inhofe! (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party

You Won’t Believe This Congressman’s Statement – It Is A War On Sex (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

You Won’t Believe This Congressman’s Statement – It Is A War On Sex (VIDEO) | Addicting Info

"One could make the case that the Republican War on Sex was designed to attract the evangelical base. There is a flaw in that argument as some of the biggest sex scandals involved some of the most powerful evangelicals."

Nadler: 'This is the Central Lie of Our Political Debate Right Now' | Video Cafe

Nadler: 'This is the Central Lie of Our Political Debate Right Now' | Video Cafe

George Will: ‘Conservatism begins with facing facts’ | The Raw Story

George Will: ‘Conservatism begins with facing facts’ | The Raw Story

How much do you know about the Second Amendment? A quiz. - Topic of Second Amendment - CSMonitor.com

How much do you know about the Second Amendment? A quiz. - Topic of Second Amendment - CSMonitor.com

Settlement Announced In Lawsuit Over Seizure Of OWS Library « CBS New York

Settlement Announced In Lawsuit Over Seizure Of OWS Library « CBS New York

Sequestration Hits Blind Workers, With Group For The Visually Impaired Forced To Cut Staff

Sequestration Hits Blind Workers, With Group For The Visually Impaired Forced To Cut Staff

Maher: The Left Is Afraid To Say '2nd Amendment Is B.S.' - Americans Against the Tea Party

Maher: The Left Is Afraid To Say '2nd Amendment Is B.S.' - Americans Against the Tea Party

Obama Called Their Bluff: Republicans Admit They Are Too Scared to Cut Social Security

Obama Called Their Bluff: Republicans Admit They Are Too Scared to Cut Social Security

Friday, April 12, 2013

In Texas, Police in Schools Criminalize 300,000 Students Each Year | Alternet

In Texas, Police in Schools Criminalize 300,000 Students Each Year | Alternet

Why Americans Are So Ignorant -- It's Not Only Fox News, There Are Some Understandable Reasons for it | Alternet


"...he demonstrated, among other things, that most Americans were: (1) ignorant about major international events, (2) knew little about how their own government runs and who runs it, (3) were nonetheless willing to accept government positions and policies even though a moderate amount of critical thought suggested they were bad for the country, and (4) were readily swayed by stereotyping, simplistic solutions, irrational fears and public relations babble."

The Elephant in the Room: Militarism | Alternet

The Elephant in the Room: Militarism | Alternet

Watch: Jon Stewart Digs at Rand Paul's Hilarious Attempt at Racial Outreach | Alternet

Watch: Jon Stewart Digs at Rand Paul's Hilarious Attempt at Racial Outreach | Alternet

Is Tom Friedman the Most Overrated and Disgraceful Journalist in America? | Alternet

I do wish the Times (and the Post and the Journal and the publishing industry at large) would tell Tommy to "suck ... on ... this!"

The National Memo » 10 Fortune 500 Corporations That Pay Lower Tax Rates Than You

Corporations Are "People"? Well, People Pay Taxes

Here’s why 10.4 million American workers are still in poverty

Here’s why 10.4 million American workers are still in poverty

Daily Kos: Tony Perkins tell religious right to stop giving money to Republicans and to give it to him instead

Daily Kos: Tony Perkins tell religious right to stop giving money to Republicans and to give it to him instead

ESOPs and organizational inefficiencies.

ESOPs and organizational inefficiencies.

Mormon Church Abandons Its Crusade Against Gay Marriage | Mother Jones

Mormon Church Abandons Its Crusade Against Gay Marriage | Mother Jones

The Gold Crash Is Crushing Gold Mining Stocks - Forbes

The Gold Crash Is Crushing Gold Mining Stocks - Forbes

What Taxes Would Look Like if Normal People Called the Shots | Mother Jones

What Taxes Would Look Like if Normal People Called the Shots | Mother Jones

Budget Games: Is Obama Playing Chess or Checkers? : The New Yorker

Budget Games: Is Obama Playing Chess or Checkers? : The New Yorker

Republicans Push 700 New Laws to Regulate Women's Bodies | Alternet

An idle vagina is the Devil's workshop, or something....

The Deficit is Shrinking Rapdily - Taegan Goddard's Wonk Wire

The Deficit is Shrinking Rapdily - Taegan Goddard's Wonk Wire

Keystone XL: All Risk, No Reward - YouTube

Keystone XL: All Risk, No Reward - YouTube

How Social Security Cuts Could Affect Children - NYTimes.com

How Social Security Cuts Could Affect Children - NYTimes.com

The Rock and the Hard Place of Future Economic Growth | Mother Jones

The Rock and the Hard Place of Future Economic Growth | Mother Jones

The U.S. Collects Less In Taxes Than All But Two Industrialized Countries | ThinkProgress

The U.S. Collects Less In Taxes Than All But Two Industrialized Countries | ThinkProgress

Every War On Drugs Myth Thoroughly Destroyed By A Retired Police Captain

Every War On Drugs Myth Thoroughly Destroyed By A Retired Police Captain

Sigh. Elizabeth Warren Embarrasses Some Bank Regulators To Their Faces. Again.

Sigh. Elizabeth Warren Embarrasses Some Bank Regulators To Their Faces. Again.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Want to Get Americans Off Junk Food? Pay Them a Living Wage | Alternet

Want to Get Americans Off Junk Food? Pay Them a Living Wage | Alternet

Was RFK's Confessed Assassin the Subject of a Govt. Program to Create Hypnotized Killers? | Alternet

Was RFK's Confessed Assassin the Subject of a Govt. Program to Create Hypnotized Killers? | Alternet

There's Only One Real Option for Averting Economic and Ecological Ruin -- So Why Aren't We Talking About It? | Alternet

There's Only One Real Option for Averting Economic and Ecological Ruin -- So Why Aren't We Talking About It? | Alternet

Singer Morrissey's Scathing Letter to the Public About Margaret Thatcher: "A Terror Without an Atom of Humanity" | Alternet

Singer Morrissey's Scathing Letter to the Public About Margaret Thatcher: "A Terror Without an Atom of Humanity" | Alternet

The Wall Street Ticking Time Bomb That Could Blow Up Your Bank Account | Alternet

The Wall Street Ticking Time Bomb That Could Blow Up Your Bank Account | Alternet

The National Memo » Where’s The Cop On The Wall Street Beat?

The National Memo » Where’s The Cop On The Wall Street Beat?

Apple Censors Comic with Gay Sex But OK with Hetero | Alternet

Apple Censors Comic with Gay Sex But OK with Hetero | Alternet

Can Anthony Weiner Make a Comeback And Be Mayor of New York? | Alternet

Can Anthony Weiner Make a Comeback And Be Mayor of New York? | Alternet

Highest-Ranking NYPD Cop: 'I Never Discussed Racial Profiling' | Alternet

Highest-Ranking NYPD Cop: 'I Never Discussed Racial Profiling' | Alternet

Obama's New Treasury Secretary Pushes Austerity That Spreads Global Misery | Alternet

Obama's New Treasury Secretary Pushes Austerity That Spreads Global Misery | Alternet

Intelligence Documents Suggest Obama Administration Lied About Who Drones Kill | Alternet

Intelligence Documents Suggest Obama Administration Lied About Who Drones Kill | Alternet

Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides Weighed Using Judd's Mental Health and Religion as Political Ammo | Mother Jones

How far were they willing to go? All the way!

Republican Congressman Says Appealing To 'So-Called Hispanic Voters' Is 'Very Discouraging' | ThinkProgress

It's sooooo depressing to have to deal with the uentermenschen ...

The Problems in N Korea are HANDLED, bitch!

Gile drops 'n'-word at meeting

Gile drops 'n'-word at meeting

Saline County Commissioner Jim Gile said it was a "bad choice of words" Tuesday when he used the expression "nigger-rigging it" in a heated discussion with Commissioner John Price. Gile, 68, who is serving his first term after taking office in January, used the phrase

Bernie Sanders Introduces Bill That Would Lead to Jail For Too Big To Fail

It won't pass, but GO BERNIE!

Poll: Mitch McConnell popularity sagging - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com

Poll: Mitch McConnell popularity sagging - Breanna Edwards - POLITICO.com

Come back, Ashley, come back...

The Median Cost Of Living In A Nursing Home Is Almost 2.5 Times The Average Private College Tuition | ThinkProgress

The Median Cost Of Living In A Nursing Home Is Almost 2.5 Times The Average Private College Tuition | ThinkProgress

Postal Service backs down on cutting Saturday mail

Postal Service backs down on cutting Saturday mail

We can solve all the USPS financial problems (well, at the very least the HUGEST one) by reforming their pension allocations. If any private company was forced (as the USPS, by Congressional Repugs) to fund their retirement accounts the way the USPS is, they'd be out of business in a flash...

Here's a Real Watergate-Style Political Scandal | The Nation

Here's a Real Watergate-Style Political Scandal | The Nation

Mitch McConnell is claiming he's the victim of "Watergate-style" tactics; while the real modern Watergate scandal has gone ignored.

Gun Safety Battle: Obama Says 'Stand Up'; McConnell Hides Behind Filibuster | Crooks and Liars

Gun Safety Battle: Obama Says 'Stand Up'; McConnell Hides Behind Filibuster | Crooks and Liars

Demand Action

Demand Action

What the father of a Newtown victim has to say about commonsense gun reforms

Beyond Deficit Scare-Mongering

Beyond Deficit Scare-Mongering

Conservatives’ real aim in their fiscal brinkmanship is to gut Social Security and Medicare.

Dave Zirin: When Will Homophobia in Big-Money Sports End? | The Nation

Dave Zirin: When Will Homophobia in Big-Money Sports End? | The Nation

Now-former Rutgers coach Mike Rice is just the tip of a homophobic iceberg. On Sojourner Truth Radio, Nation writer Dave Zirin discusses the industry propping up homophobia in sports.

Gay marriage: Filing a joint tax return as a gay couple is a nightmare. - Slate Magazine

Think Your Taxes Are a Pain? Try filing as a gay married couple.

Rand Paul: 'I've Never Been Against The Civil Rights Act. Ever.' | TPM LiveWire

...Mouths falling open in utter disbelief...

Paul Ryan Stumped: Can't Name A Single Area Of Compromise In His Budget | ThinkProgress

Paul Ryan Stumped: Can't Name A Single Area Of Compromise In His Budget | ThinkProgress

Corsi and Rios Explain How Evolution, the ACLU and 'Powerful Jewish Forces' Will Destroy America | Right Wing Watch

What a devil's brew of stupidity and hate!!

EMILY's List Puts Six GOP Congressmen 'On Notice' | TPM LiveWire

EMILY's List Puts Six GOP Congressmen 'On Notice' | TPM LiveWire

A big, big step forward on gun control

A big, big step forward on gun control

NRA: Background Checks ‘Will Not Prevent The Next Shooting’

They might or might prevent the next shooting, but limits on assault rifles and mega-capacity magazines might cut down on the carnage :)

The U.S. Collects Smaller Percentage In Taxes Than Most Developed Countries: Study

The U.S. Collects Smaller Percentage In Taxes Than Most Developed Countries: Study

Phil Donahue: Bush used other people’s kids to prove he’s tough | The Raw Story

Bring back Phil!

5 Reasons Chained CPI Is Bad For Social Security, COLA – AARP

5 Reasons Chained CPI Is Bad For Social Security, COLA – AARP

What's Wrong with this Picture?

“Guns Don’t Kill People, People Do” Makes You Sound Like a Buffoon

“Guns Don’t Kill People, People Do” Makes You Sound Like a Buffoon & Here’s Why

Monday, April 08, 2013

Margaret Thatcher Dead: Former UK Prime Minister Dies Of Stroke

Margaret Thatcher Dead: Former UK Prime Minister Dies Of Stroke

I'm reminded of the old Bette Davis quote (Miss Davis and Joan Crawford were bitter Enemies. A Reporter (after Joan died) asked Miss Davis what she thought about Joan dying. Miss Davis replied "I was taught to always speak good of the Dead....Joan Crawford is Dead..Good!")

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Subsidies Play �Significant Role� in Climate Change, IMF Says

Subsidies Play "Significant Role" in Climate Change, IMF Says

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is urging national governments around the world to roll back or eliminate subsidies on petroleum-based energy sources.

Krugman clashes with Van Susteren: ‘No correlation’ between regulation and hiring | The Raw Story

Krugman clashes with Van Susteren: ‘No correlation’ between regulation and hiring | The Raw Story

ZCommunications | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War by Angelo Young | ZNet Article

ZCommunications | Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War by Angelo Young | ZNet Article

Tony Blair and Iraq: The damning evidence

Tony Blair and Iraq: The damning evidence

Hitherto unseen evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry by British intelligence has revealed that former prime minister Tony Blair was told that Iraq had, at most, only a trivial amount of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and that Libya was in this respect a far greater threat.

The Food Industry’s Overuse Of Salt Contributes To Almost 100,000 American Deaths Every Year

The Food Industry’s Overuse Of Salt Contributes To Almost 100,000 American Deaths Every Year

In a new study published in the online edition of the British Medical Journal, researchers write that a 50 percent reduction in daily salt intake “could prevent approximately 100,000 deaths from heart attack and stroke in the United States every year.” 

I try to drink a drink a quart of Jameson's a week to cut down on the percentage of salt in my blood. And, of course, by Tuesday, I don't give a shit about salt :)

In History Departments, It’s Up With Capitalism

In History Departments, It’s Up With Capitalism

A new generation of historians is focusing on capitalism and the bosses, bankers and brokers who run the economy.

Meet the 40 Senate Republicans Who Betrayed Veterans By Killing $1 Billion in Jobs

Meet the 40 Senate Republicans Who Betrayed Veterans By Killing $1 Billion in Jobs

Forty Republican members of the United States Senate betrayed veterans today when they decided that denying President Obama a victory was more important than spending $1 billion to create jobs for vets.

Tomgram: Bill McKibben, How Do You Solve a Problem Like the Democrats? | TomDispatch

Tomgram: Bill McKibben, How Do You Solve a Problem Like the Democrats? | TomDispatch

Mayflower, Arkansas Exxon Oil Spill - Business Insider

Mayflower, Arkansas Exxon Oil Spill - Business Insider

New Photos From Arkansas Oil Spill Show The Full Extent Of The Damage

The Big Stall

Reich discusses the sequester and the lack of job growth, among other things.

The National Memo » Rick Perry Destroying Women’s Health Care — And Punishing Poor Families — In Texas

The National Memo » Rick Perry Destroying Women’s Health Care — And Punishing Poor Families — In Texas

Bill Maher Blasts Libertarians Like Rand Paul and Paul Ryan For Being Selfish Pricks

Go Bill!

Jobs Report Proves Obama Correct About The Sequester Killing Jobs

Austerity uber alles!

The Sequester Is Forcing Cancer Clinics To Deny Chemotherapy To Thousands Of Elderly Americans | ThinkProgress

The Sequester Is Forcing Cancer Clinics To Deny Chemotherapy To Thousands Of Elderly Americans | ThinkProgress

The GOP and particularly it's leadership really will burn in hell.

The GOP’s biggest problem? Mean-spiritedness | Eclectablog

And getting more so by the day :)

GOP Pitches 'Family-Friendly' Policy That Would Weaken Overtime Pay | ThinkProgress

GOP Pitches 'Family-Friendly' Policy That Would Weaken Overtime Pay | ThinkProgress

Senate Democrats: Stop choosing the NRA over the lives of children

Senate Democrats: Stop choosing the NRA over the lives of children

'All Risks, No Reward': New Ad Campaign Calls Out Keystone XL

"All Risks, No Reward": New Ad Campaign Calls Out Keystone XL

Why the right uses a ‘different standard’ for the Obama family — MSNBC

Why the right uses a ‘different standard’ for the Obama family — MSNBC

This Republican Only Needed 29 Seconds To Stun The Supreme Court In The Gay Marriage Debate

This Republican Only Needed 29 Seconds To Stun The Supreme Court In The Gay Marriage Debate

The Week in Wingnuts: Mandatory Guns and State Religions - The Daily Beast

The Week in Wingnuts: Mandatory Guns and State Religions - The Daily Beast

Texas: The Next Battleground - YouTube

Texas: The Next Battleground - YouTube

How conservatives still run America, despite losing elections - Salon.com

How conservatives still run America, despite losing elections - Salon.com

Connecticut Governor Eviscerates NRA Boss While Laying Into CNN’s Crowley | Mediaite

Connecticut Governor Eviscerates NRA Boss While Laying Into CNN’s Crowley | Mediaite

After passing some of the toughest new gun laws in the nation, Connecticut Governor Dannell Malloy took to the airwaves to trash the NRA and others that oppose background checks. Malloy even went after a CNN anchor for being soft on gun rights advocates. Wayne reminds me of the clowns at the circus.

Maher And Bernie Sanders Explode At GOP Panelists Over Obama’s Economy: Where Were Deficit Hawks Under Bush? | Mediaite

Maher And Bernie Sanders Explode At GOP Panelists Over Obama’s Economy: Where Were Deficit Hawks Under Bush? | Mediaite:

 On Bill Maher's show tonight [4/5], Senator Bernie Sanders and Wall Street Journal columnist Steve Moore got into a number of heated back-and-forths over the state of the economy, which side is to blame for the crisis the country is in, and what the U.S. needs to do about greenhouse gases. At one point during an argument, Sanders loudly lamented that people like Moore are what make Congress a dysfunctional institution.

Ignoring the Real Spending Problem | Rcooley123's Blog on WordPress.com

Ignoring the Real Spending Problem | Rcooley123's Blog on WordPress.com

Unneeded Tax Breaks and Subsidies are draining the Treasury...

GOP Hijacked the Budget Over Chained CPI in December, Now It's Not Enough

Compromise is not possible with these assholes.

Christianity As State Religion Supported By One-Third Of Americans, Poll Finds

We love us some Constitution, just not those pesky restrictions on church and state... Buffoons!

Mark Follman on MSNBC: The NRA's Phony School Shooting | Mother Jones

LOL They are such morons!

Capitalism: A Disaster for All Seasons | The Nation

Capitalism: A Disaster for All Seasons | The Nation

For every San Francisco earthquake and Superstorm Sandy, some die—and others profit.

Who lives? Who dies? Who profits? Who loses? All demands on who's got the money or the potential to make money.

Latest GOP shocking rape gaffe - Salon.com

Jesus! Again? Enough already!

Why I Am No Longer A Republican | The Big Slice

Really powerful post

US criticizes EU restrictions on wine labels ‹ The Bacchus

Uh oh! The oenophiles are all a-flutter!

Harry Reid: 'Nuclear Option' On The Table In Judicial Nominations

Harry Reid: 'Nuclear Option' On The Table In Judicial Nominations

Eva Longoria Believes Hillary Clinton And Latinos Could Turn Texas Blue

Eva Longoria Believes Hillary Clinton And Latinos Could Turn Texas Blue

Rick Perry Speculates Mexican Drug Cartels, Unsecured Border Behind Texas DA Killing (VIDEO)

More oops from the man who makes Shrub look like Einstein.

Doubling Down On What Caused the Financial Crisis | The Big Picture

Doubling Down On What Caused the Financial Crisis | The Big Picture