Saturday, March 30, 2013

Watergate's Lessons, Washed Away

Watergate's Lessons, Washed Away

During Watergate, people went to jail, even former attorney general, John Mitchell. Today, we can't even get miscreant bankers to resign in exchange for their billions in bailouts.

Happy Easter

Arkansas residents evacuate as Exxon-Mobil tar sands pipeline ruptures | The Raw Story

But this will never happen with KeystoneXL, right? Right? RIGHT?!?!?!

Assange prosecutor quits while accuser sacks lawyer

Assange prosecutor quits while accuser sacks lawyer

Turmoil in the Swedish Prosecution Authority's effort to extradite Julian Assange.

Limbaugh: Student petition against conservative commencement speaker means ‘we’ve lost the country’ | The Raw Story

Good, I hope it's so :)

Texas DA, Wife Found Dead


Same-sex marriage opinion shift leaves conservative lawmakers and pundits scrambling | The Raw Story

Same-sex marriage opinion shift leaves conservative lawmakers and pundits scrambling | The Raw Story


Marian Wright Edelman: What the NRA Doesn't Want You to Know

Marian Wright Edelman: What the NRA Doesn't Want You to Know

War on Poverty


SarahPAC – Effective PAC or Sarah Palin's Personal Slush Fund? ~ Politicalgates

SarahPAC – Effective PAC or Sarah Palin's Personal Slush Fund? ~ Politicalgates

"Old grifters, you see, don't fade away, they just keep coming back for more."

Nobody’s Going to Take Your Guns Away

Nobody’s Going to Take Your Guns Away

Why we need to get a grip on all this Second Amendment hysteria.

Republicans Introduce Legislation To Discriminate Against Non-English Speakers | ThinkProgress

See why I'm not overly worried about 2014? :)

Conservatives Should Worry About The Addition Of Chris Hayes To MSNBC’s Prime Time Lineup | Mediaite

Conservatives Should Worry About The Addition Of Chris Hayes To MSNBC's Prime Time Lineup | Mediaite

As always, where there is challenge there is also opportunity. As every conservative knows, the only force that drives positive change is competition – and cable news’ conservative hosts will have that in spades come April. Here’s to hoping MSNBC’s programming decision is the beginning of a rebirth of cable news across the board.

Papantonio: Are Conservatives Ready To Break Up The Banks? | Occupy America

Papantonio: Are Conservatives Ready To Break Up The Banks? | Occupy America

Take action now to support drone privacy legislation | Privacy SOS

If you haven't already, watch this hilarious/terrifying clip produced by the New York Times on the coming surveillance drone invasion of the USA. Seattle artist Drew Christie created the video for the Times.

Supreme Court’s Glimpse at Thinking on Same-Sex Marriage

Supreme Court’s Glimpse at Thinking on Same-Sex Marriage

It appears the conservative members of the Supreme Court, calculating that their chances of winning would not get better, were behind the decision to take up the volatile subject.


Domestic drones and their unique dangers | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

Domestic drones and their unique dangers | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

WATCH: Marie Osmond Takes a Stand for Marriage Equality

WATCH: Marie Osmond Takes a Stand for Marriage Equality

"Osmond, who has a lesbian daughter, discussed the issue with ABC's Diane Sawyer Friday night."

Amazing how broadening a little exposure to reality can be :)

Gun Nuts Nightmare

Make Anti-Rape Culture and Consent Training a Requirement in Sex Education - The Petition Site

Make Anti-Rape Culture and Consent Training a Requirement in Sex Education - The Petition Site

How Do You Win the "Narrative" War Against the New Civil Rights Movement?

How Do You Win the "Narrative" War Against the New Civil Rights Movement?

#OpNorthKorea Hits Websites - Business Insider

And..... BOOM goes the dynamite! :)

The CIA's promotion problem -

Gotta love DC protecting its own ass (in violation of the whistleblower laws...)

Alan Simpson: Men Shouldn't Vote on Abortion Bills

Alan Simpson: Men Shouldn't Vote on Abortion Bills

White men have much to discuss about mass shootings - The Washington Post

White men have much to discuss about mass shootings - The Washington Post

CNN video on Facebook - Video

Former NFL player comes out CNN Newsroom| CNN's Fredricka Whitfield talks about NFL star, Kwame Harris and how he was recently outed by the media for being gay.

The Most Important Thing to Remember About America's Food Stamp Boom - Jordan Weissmann - The Atlantic

Regardless of nutritional benefits and any (largely discredited) whining about lax eligibility requirements, food stamps have been shown in study after study to have the MOST economic impact of any aid program. The money is spent and 'velocity' magnifies the effect through the economy. If you want to fix the economy, give everybody six months of food stamps! :)

Jon Stewart To Supreme Court: Yes, DOMA Was Passed To Discriminate Against Gays | ThinkProgress

Jon Stewart To Supreme Court: Yes, DOMA Was Passed To Discriminate Against Gays | ThinkProgress

So how’s the Senate map shaping up? Not great for Dems.

Let's wait and see. We heard the same things before the last election, and then the Repugs started campaigning. Unless they have MDs standing by with Thorazine and straight-jackets, at least one GOPer will say what he really thinks and go down in flames; they can NOT win when their true plans and agendas are exposed. So I'm not ready to panic yet.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Use your rights and repair your credit 877-716-9838: The DOJ lawyer who didn't prosecute Wall St. execs said to get $4 million job - MarketWatch (blog)

The DOJ lawyer who didn't prosecute Wall St. execs said to get $4 million job - MarketWatch (blog)

Watch: If House Lannister Had a Super-PAC | Mother Jones

Watch: If House Lannister Had a Super-PAC | Mother Jones

Ultimate List of 45 Man Tips - Imgur

Ultimate List of 45 Man Tips - Imgur

UPS agrees to pay $40 million for shipping illegal prescription drugs | The Raw Story

Damn, there goes my oxy and viagra :) (NOTE to DoJ: that was what we call a joke, humor, sarcasm, whatever....)

Ohio landlord accused of whipping tenants over late rent | The Raw Story


Daily Dot | DDoS attack knocks American Express offline

BoA, then Chase, now Amex.... they're moving against classier targets each time.... beware Tiffany's! :)

Daily Kos: Republicans pretend to be outraged at Don Young

Daily Kos: Republicans pretend to be outraged at Don Young

No gray when it comes to gay marriage — the bigots have already lost | Eclectablog

No gray when it comes to gay marriage — the bigots have already lost | Eclectablog

What the Internet looked like in 1995

Blast from the past.... pretty fun to watch (27 min video)

Public Banking: Yes, We Can Have Banks That Work For the People

Public Banking: Yes, We Can Have Banks That Work For the People

We all know the banking system is broken. It's easy to become pessimistic in the face of corporate and political corruption, but the system can be changed. We've done it before, and we can do it again. One pathway to genuine reform is "public banking": the establishment of banks that are owned at operated by…

Sequester: Republican theory of the case - Darren Samuelsohn

Sequester: Republican theory of the case - Darren Samuelsohn

To figure out why Republicans are winning the sequester wars, look at two numbers. Federal employees have so far taken no furlough days. And the stock market hit an all-time record earlier this month, with the Dow closing Thursday at 14,578. Amid all that, it’s pretty hard for most of the public to understand what the Democrats were talking about,...

Sequester: Democratic theory of the case - Darren Samuelsohn

Sequester: Democratic theory of the case - Darren Samuelsohn

The public has largely tuned out the Democrats’ repeated warnings about mid-air plane crashes, troop deaths and mass illness from tainted meat if the sequester cuts stay in place. But Democrats aren’t dropping the threat of disaster, seizing now on the line they think can beat the Republicans: law and order. Prison riots, cocaine flooding...

Postal Service to close more than 50 mail-processing centers

Postal Service to close more than 50 mail-processing centers

"The Postal Service said it will shutter more than 50 processing centers as part of an accelerated plan to consolidate facilities."

Couldn't we shut Congress, or just the Repug Party, instead?

Why You Should Be More Concerned About War With North Korea This Time | ThinkProgress

Why You Should Be More Concerned About War With North Korea This Time | ThinkProgress

RNC’s message of inclusivity suffers setbacks | TPMDC

RNC’s message of inclusivity suffers setbacks | TPMDC


SUPPORT MARRIAGE EQUALITY! Add your name to help Democrats reach 500,000 strong for marriage equality.

Obama administration moves ahead with sweeping rules requiring cleaner gasoline

Obama administration moves ahead with sweeping rules requiring cleaner gasoline

"Move is supported by environmentalists and auto firms, but opposed by oil and gas industry."

Yay! Now California won't have the most expensive gas, since the rest of the country will be using the same gas! Of course, Sacramento will find some way to put us back in first place :)

CNN Is Fox News Lite - |

CNN Is Fox News Lite - |

After RNC Calls For Hispanic Outreach, Republican Governor Eliminates Latino Affairs Office | ThinkProgress

After RNC Calls For Hispanic Outreach, Republican Governor Eliminates Latino Affairs Office | ThinkProgress

Survey: 48% of US Christians Believe Jesus Is Coming Back in Next 40 Years | Alternet

I bet this number hasn't changed appreciably since the country's founding. Probably hasn't changed since the founding of the Church, either.

7 Shocking Statements from One of the Nuttiest GOP Congressmen in the House | Alternet

More from Don "Wetbacks" Young

Meet the College Racists Trying to Get Armed to 'Defend' Whites from Blacks on Campus | Alternet

Meet the College Racists Trying to Get Armed to 'Defend' Whites from Blacks on Campus | Alternet

Gay Marriage Johnny Come-Latelies: Political Expediency at Its Finest | Alternet

Gay Marriage Johnny Come-Latelies: Political Expediency at Its Finest | Alternet

Why the Anti-Gay Movement Got Humiliated in the Supreme Court | Alternet

Cuz they're moronic bigots?

The Day That TV News Died | Alternet

Actually, TV news died with the arrival of the minicam. If it has video, it's news. If there's no video, no matter how urgent or important, it's not news. We've moved from reporting (and investigating) to photo ops and stenography.

FCC needs to stop 'cramming' on cellphones -

Never piss off a lawyer :)

Cost of Iraq, Afghanistan wars will keep mounting -

I can think of a LOT of things I'd rather spend 6 fucking trillion dollars on than turning Iraq into a Iranian satrapy. Thanks a bunch, Shrub and Dick. Burn in hell.

Singarich | Andrew Tobias

It's all good, but the final paragraph is the one that riled me up. How stupid is DC to NOT be doing this? Fucking Teapublicans!


Rep. Don Young (R-AK) Reminisces About Hiring 'Wetbacks' | TPM LiveWire

Untangling Megan McArdle’s Feelings About The Gays: An Exegesis We Undertake So You Don’t Have To

Untangling Megan McArdle’s Feelings About The Gays: An Exegesis We Undertake So You Don’t Have To

Thursday, March 28, 2013

States' Rights Bites the GOP In the Ass With DOMA's Bad Day In Court

States' Rights Bites the GOP In the Ass With DOMA's Bad Day In Court

Top donors threaten Dems: Do the right thing on guns, or no more money

Top donors threaten Dems: Do the right thing on guns, or no more money

Anthony Kennedy’s Revelations On Marriage Equality | TPMDC

Anthony Kennedy’s Revelations On Marriage Equality | TPMDC

IMF: Want to fight climate change? Get rid of $1.9 trillion in energy subsidies.

IMF: Want to fight climate change? Get rid of $1.9 trillion in energy subsidies.

Whatever Happened to the $100 Million Mark Zuckerberg Gave to Newark Schools? | Mother Jones

Whatever Happened to the $100 Million Mark Zuckerberg Gave to Newark Schools? | Mother Jones

Stewart Lays Into GOP Leaders For Their ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ In Opposing Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

Stewart Lays Into GOP Leaders For Their "Cognitive Dissonance" In Opposing Same-Sex Marriage | Mediaite

During Wednesday evening's Daily Show, Jon Stewart offered up a harsh assessment of several prominent Republicans who've yet to come around on the issue of same-sex marriage, namely Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Marco Rubio, as well as newfound folk hero Dr. Ben Carson.

Colbert Has A Meltdown Over ‘Papa Bear’ O’Reilly’s Gay Marriage Remarks: ‘Read Your F**king Contract!’ | Mediaite

Colbert Has A Meltdown Over "Papa Bear" Reilly's Gay Marriage Remarks: "Read Your F**king Contract!" | Mediaite

Stephen Colbert was shaken to core on Wednesday, upon realizing not only that the Supreme Court may side with the pro-gay marriage side... but that people actually support that. Not just any people, but even certain Fox News hosts.

8 Things Justice Alito Has Ruled on That Are Newer Than Cellphones and the Internet | Mother Jones

8 Things Justice Alito Has Ruled on That Are Newer Than Cellphones and the Internet | Mother Jones

Exclusive: Wal-Mart may get customers to deliver packages to online buyers | Reuters

Oh, this can't end well, altho it could end humorously :)

New Study Demands Zero-Tolerance for Military Sexual Assault | The Nation

New Study Demands Zero-Tolerance for Military Sexual Assault | The Nation

Women who suffer sexual assault in the military are nine times more likely to get PTSD, and the military needs to act.

O'Donnell: Not All Republicans Think Marriage is Between One Man and One Woman

O'Donnell: Not All Republicans Think Marriage is Between One Man and One Woman

The Last Word's Lawrence O'Donnell explained that not all Republicans agree with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and the others in their party who believe that marriage is supposed to be between one man and one woman, such as St. Ronnie, Newt Gingrich and his fellow 'serial polygamist' Rush Limbaugh.

Hurray for Godless Humanism!!! :)

Limbaugh Declares Defeat on Gay Marriage

Next Stage for Gay Rights: Conservative Amnesia

Next Stage for Gay Rights: Conservative Amnesia

You're saying conservatives had a problem with gays? Doesn't ring a bell.

Prop 8 and DOMA Oral Arguments: The Justices’ Best Quotations on Gay Marriage : The New Yorker

Prop 8 and DOMA Oral Arguments: The Justices’ Best Quotations on Gay Marriage : The New Yorker

I repeat.... Impeach Clarence Thomas. Useless lump.

Supreme Court Likely to Strike Down DOMA -- But Maybe for the Wrong Reasons

Supreme Court Likely to Strike Down DOMA -- But Maybe for the Wrong Reasons

The states' rights argument hinted at by Justice Anthony Kennedy could set a dangerous precedent.

10 Ways the Public Backlash Against Killer Drones Is Taking Off

Efforts to counter drone warfare at home and abroad are growing everywhere you look, from the United Nations to the courts to places of worship.

GOP senators fear a debate on gun legislation - The Maddow Blog

GOP senators fear a debate on gun legislation - The Maddow Blog

"Just so we're clear, what these five senators are saying is they intend to filibuster the motion to proceed on any gun bill. In other words, they're not only going to try to prevent legislation from passing, they also intend to block any bill related to gun violence from even being debated on the Senate floor. 
I'm not sure what they're so afraid of."


Newest Fox Attack On Safety Net: Assistance Keeps Americans In Poverty | Blog | Media Matters for America

Saudi Arabia vs. China: America can't play favorites with human rights -

Saudi Arabia vs. China: America can't play favorites with human rights -

While the US has been quick to condemn human rights violations in China and rally behind persecuted activists there, President Obama has seemed hesitant to do the same with Saudi Arabia and its persecution of human rights activist Mohammad Fahad Al-Qahtani.

Saying ‘Vagina’ During Biology Class Leads To Investigation Of Idaho Science Teacher | TPM News

Saying ‘Vagina’ During Biology Class Leads To Investigation Of Idaho Science Teacher | TPM News

The Religious Right are all dumbasses and are determined to make us all equally as dumb. Can I please have my lobotomy now, Reverend?

Limbaugh: At Least Half The Political Feeds On Twitter Are "Political Hacks Paid By Democrats And Their Front Groups" | Video | Media Matters for America

Limbaugh: At Least Half The Political Feeds On Twitter Are "Political Hacks Paid By Democrats And Their Front Groups" | Video | Media Matters for America

I'm still waiting for my checks... you listening, George Soros? :)

Thom Hartmann Explains When the GOP Became the Party of the Rich | Video Cafe

Thom Hartmann Explains When the GOP Became the Party of the Rich | Video Cafe

Thom takes us back to the ORIGINAL Gilded Age...

Republicans overcome with 'Sequestration NIMBYism' - The Maddow Blog

Republicans overcome with 'Sequestration NIMBYism' - The Maddow Blog

Congressman: SCOTUS Legalizing Gay Marriage Creates ‘Constitutional Crisis’ ‘Usurping’ Democracy | The New Civil Rights Movement

Congressman: SCOTUS Legalizing Gay Marriage Creates ‘Constitutional Crisis’ ‘Usurping’ Democracy | The New Civil Rights Movement

We have 'Cafeteria Catholics'... now, apparently, we're getting 'Cafeteria Constitutionalists' Oh the joy!

Polls reflect conservative angst toward GOP establishment - First Read

Polls reflect conservative angst toward GOP establishment - First Read

"But these numbers suggest that the party's right flank -- the heart and soul of the Republican Party -- haven't bought in. And until they do, a transformation of the party will be that much more difficult."

Media 'Cover-up' of Iraq War: Images Sanitized From the Start

Why did Americans take so long to wake up to the loss of life in Iraq? Because it wasn't televised

The Secret Republican Plan to Repeal Obamacare - Chris Frates - The Atlantic

The Secret Republican Plan to Repeal Obamacare - Chris Frates - The Atlantic

"Serious" Conservative Media And The Recidivist Temptation | Blog | Media Matters for America

"Serious" Conservative Media And The Recidivist Temptation | Blog | Media Matters for America

Michigan RNC's Agema defends Facebook post on gays | The Detroit News |

Michigan RNC's Agema defends Facebook post on gays | The Detroit News |

Exclusive: Congressional Ethics Probe Adds To Bachmann’s Political Woes - The Daily Beast

Exclusive: Congressional Ethics Probe Adds To Bachmann’s Political Woes - The Daily Beast

Huckabee: If GOP accepts gay marriage Evangelicals will form a third party.

Huckabee: If GOP accepts gay marriage Evangelicals will form a third party.

The National Memo » As Student Loan Crisis Worsens, GOP Senators Vote To Repeal Help For Borrowers

The National Memo » As Student Loan Crisis Worsens, GOP Senators Vote To Repeal Help For Borrowers

John Boehner Secretly Forces Taxpayers to Spend Millions of Dollars Defending DOMA

John Boehner Secretly Forces Taxpayers to Spend Millions of Dollars Defending DOMA

John Boehner has skimmed $742,000 in House funds to defend DOMA, but his cap on the defense

fund is actually $3.1 million taxpayer dollars. A chunk of that money is coming out of the Justice Dept.

Bob Dole Tells the Republican Party to 'close its doors to make repairs'

Bob Dole Tells the Republican Party to 'close its doors to make repairs'

"Mitch McConnell has dragged the Senate into the tea party Republican ditch (his filibuster record speaks for itself). The tea party was against it because they hate anything the UN does; they see the UN as imposing on American exceptionalism. They would rather have Mitt Romney taking orders from Netanhayu than be a part of the United Nations."

Catholic league attack demands Time Warner have ‘serious talk’ with Bill Maher | The Raw Story

Catholic league attack demands Time Warner have ‘serious talk’ with Bill Maher | The Raw Story

Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine

Gun-death tally: Every American gun death since Newtown Sandy Hook shooting (INTERACTIVE). - Slate Magazine

The answer to the simple question in that headline is surprisingly hard to come by. So Slate and the Twitter feed @GunDeaths are collecting data for our crowdsourced interactive. This data is necessarily incomplete. But the more people who are paying attention, the better the data will be. 

Walmart's Death Grip on Groceries Is Making Life Worse for Millions of People (Hard Times USA)

Walmart's Death Grip on Groceries Is Making Life Worse for Millions of People (Hard Times USA)

The real effect of Walmart's takeover of our food system has been to intensify the rural and urban poverty that drives unhealthy food choices.

Corporations Are Robbing Us Of Our Right to a Fair Trial

Corporations Are Robbing Us Of Our Right to a Fair Trial

If you've been gouged by your bank, discriminated against, sexually harassed, unfairly fired, you'll most likely find that you're barred from the courthouse door.

Oppressed Christians and Second-Class Citizenship

Oppressed Christians and Second-Class Citizenship

Having people tell you you're wrong may not be fun, but it doesn't make you oppressed.

Adam Lanza, mom had NRA certificates -

No wonder the NRA is running scared.

Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection

Fear walks the land, and the Tea Party Patriots are here to package and sell it.

A Republican Left Turn? -

A Republican Left Turn? -

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Krugman's Advice to Cyprus: 'Leave the Euro. Now.' | Common Dreams

Krugman's Advice to Cyprus: 'Leave the Euro. Now.' 

Economist says best thing nation coud do is save itself the pain by making immediate exit from the Eurozone

Obama's Crackdown on Whistleblowers | The Nation

Obama's Crackdown on Whistleblowers | The Nation

Conservative Morality: Free Pass for Criminal Bankers, Restrictions for Women and Gay Citizens | Alternet

Conservative Morality: Free Pass for Criminal Bankers, Restrictions for Women and Gay Citizens | Alternet

Obama's New FCC Pick Could Help Determine the Future of the Internet | Mother Jones

Obama's New FCC Pick Could Help Determine the Future of the Internet | Mother Jones

New Jersey Legislature Approves Early Voting Bill, Awaits Christie's Signature | ThinkProgress

New Jersey Legislature Approves Early Voting Bill, Awaits Christie's Signature | ThinkProgress

JP Morgan legal trouble: Eight separate lines of investigation.

Can Goldman be far behind?

Scottish government ignores Donald Trump’s threats and approves windfarm | The Raw Story

Trump this, ye Sassenach!

Jon Stewart demolishes Republican’s superficial new messaging strategy | The Raw Story

Jon Stewart demolishes Republican’s superficial new messaging strategy | The Raw Story

Rick Perry Warns Of 'Unsettling Time In Our Nation's History,' Says Gay Rights Activists Lack 'Tolerance'

I was confused by this. Rick Perry spoke of a "very vocal, very ligitious" minority and I was SURE he was talking about the Repugs and their RWNJ cohorts!

Customers Flee Wal-Mart Empty Shelves for Target, Costco - Bloomberg

Customers Flee Wal-Mart Empty Shelves for Target, Costco - Bloomberg

The National Memo » Ban On Same-Sex Marriage In Doubt

The National Memo » Ban On Same-Sex Marriage In Doubt

The Best Way to Save Banking Is to Kill It - Bloomberg

Hmmm... I'll have to think about this, but it's interesting.

The CIA's Wars and John Brennan's Dilemma | The Nation

The CIA's Wars and John Brennan's Dilemma | The Nation

Fixing the CIA is a tall order, but it can be done.

Twitter / BuzzFeedAndrew: Alex Jones has a huge scoop ...


Food is now the ultimate class signifier | Suzanne Moore | Comment is free | The Guardian

Food is now the ultimate class signifier | Suzanne Moore | Comment is free | The Guardian

Poor people are being fobbed off with food stamps while the rest of us watch cookery shows and eat fancy ready-meals

GOP has a path to the Senate majority, but it’s a rocky one

GOP has a path to the Senate majority, but it’s a rocky one

Republicans Outraged That Health Care Application Includes Legally-Required Voter Registration Effort | ThinkProgress

Republicans Outraged That Health Care Application Includes Legally-Required Voter Registration Effort | ThinkProgress

Activist: Kansas HIV quarantine bill lets religious officials justify discrimination | The Raw Story

Activist: Kansas HIV quarantine bill lets religious officials justify discrimination | The Raw Story

How Anthony Lewis Influenced the Justices He Covered | TPMDC

How Anthony Lewis Influenced the Justices He Covered | TPMDC

Report: 80 Percent Of Drug Arrests On Border Involve US Citizens | TPM LiveWire

Report: 80 Percent Of Drug Arrests On Border Involve US Citizens | TPM LiveWire

Rick Perry Needs a Refresher on How Texas Feels About Marriage | Mother Jones

Rick Perry Needs a Refresher on How Texas Feels About Marriage | Mother Jones

Elena Kagan’s DOMA ‘gotcha’ moment - Jennifer Epstein and Josh Gerstein -

Elena Kagan’s DOMA ‘gotcha’ moment - Jennifer Epstein and Josh Gerstein -

DOMA case on shaking ground in Supreme Court -

DOMA case on shaking ground in Supreme Court -

Congress Saves Busted $380 Million Missile Program the Pentagon Won't Buy | Mother Jones

The power of combining pork with lobbyists...

The corporate ‘predator state’

The corporate ‘predator state’

How we can neutralize corporate greed.

Opening Act: Bob Menendez bounces back from alleged scandals.

Opening Act: Bob Menendez bounces back from alleged scandals.

Louie Gohmert Got 'Rude And Irate,' Refused To Pay $25 Parking Ticket: Police

Pampered little WATB

The GOP Needs a New Product, Not a New Brand

The GOP Needs a New Product, Not a New Brand

The political party could learn a lot from Oil of Olay. Really.

Why the GOP’s Efforts to Reach Out to Women Are Doomed to Fail

Why the GOP’s Efforts to Reach Out to Women Are Doomed to Fail

Daily Kos: The dominoes are falling

Daily Kos: The dominoes are falling

Arc of Justice

At DOMA Hearing, Chief Justice Suggests Gays Are Too Powerful For Equal Protection | ThinkProgress

At DOMA Hearing, Chief Justice Suggests Gays Are Too Powerful For Equal Protection | ThinkProgress

Petty Revenge: Michigan Republicans Slash Higher-Ed Spending in Retaliation for Union Contracts | Alternet

This current batch of Repugs really are scum

North Dakota's Republican Governor Admits He's More Interested in Legal Battles Than Women's Health | Alternet

North Dakota's Republican Governor Admits He's More Interested in Legal Battles Than Women's Health | Alternet

Gay marriage polls: Bias and other lame conservative excuses for rising public acceptance. - Slate Magazine

Ummm, cuz your moronic bigots?

A Supreme Court Justice Takes Down An Anti-Gay Marriage Argument In 1 Minute

A Supreme Court Justice Takes Down An Anti-Gay Marriage Argument In 1 Minute

Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Defense Of Marriage Act | TPMDC

Supreme Court To Hear Arguments On Defense Of Marriage Act | TPMDC

Republicans Decry Sequestration-Related Airport Closures In Their Own District | TPMDC

Republicans Decry Sequestration-Related Airport Closures In Their Own District | TPMDC

Samsung Galaxy S4: The time has come—we’re going to have to choose between smartphone performance and battery life. - Slate Magazine

Well, duh!

Congress shouldn’t give President Obama new power to fight terrorists. - Slate Magazine

Congress shouldn’t give President Obama new power to fight terrorists. - Slate Magazine

Which Politicians Supported Gay Marriage and When? | Mother Jones

Which Politicians Supported Gay Marriage and When? | Mother Jones

Rand Paul filibuster: Ted Cruz, Mike Lee join Paul in opposing gun control legislation.

Rand Paul filibuster: Ted Cruz, Mike Lee join Paul in opposing gun control legislation.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Books and MOOCs: Lots of ways to learn.

Books and MOOCs: Lots of ways to learn.

What Do Conservatives Seek to Preserve? | Rcooley123's Blog on

What Do Conservatives Seek to Preserve?

Do Millennials Stand a Chance in the Real World?

Do Millennials Stand a Chance in the Real World?

The members of Generation Y have developed an obsession with money — partly because they don’t have any.

Bill O’Reilly says same sex marriage foes are just a bunch of Bible thumpers | The Raw Story

Bill O’Reilly says same sex marriage foes are just a bunch of Bible thumpers | The Raw Story

Unlock Phones So People Can Use Public Airwaves

Unlock Phones So People Can Use Public Airwaves

What if, when you bought a new television, you had to decide which electrical network you’d like to use it on. That is essentially the problem most Americans face whenever they buy a mobile phone.

What liberals did to offend conservatives. on Twitpic

What liberals did to offend conservatives. on Twitpic

The Iraq War and American Politics, Take 2 | Mother Jones

The Iraq War and American Politics, Take 2 | Mother Jones

Controversy Over Contraception Misses the Economic Point - Forbes

Army War-Games North Korea Collapse - Business Insider

Army War-Games North Korea Collapse - Business Insider

The London Whale and the real link between the US economy and Cyprus

The London Whale and the real link between the US economy and Cyprus

Dean Baker: Washington policy-makers say the deficit is the greatest threat to the US economy. In reality, it's the failure of banking reform

Best Pics

Prop 8 Protesters Rally At Supreme Court Today

Supporters and opponents of marriage equality gathered on Tuesday in front of the Supreme Court, for the first day of hearings on Proposition 8, California's ban on same-sex marriage. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court will evaluate the Defense of Marriage Act, the federal law preventing legally married gay couples from receiving the same benefits married straight couples receive, according to the Associated Press.

The Oligarchs are Sucking Dry America's Working Class | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

The Oligarchs are Sucking Dry America's Working Class | Thom Hartmann - News & info from the #1 progressive radio show

Health care prices: America's are insane.

Health care prices: America's are insane.

Ohio governor signs bill capping voter petition drives | The Raw Story

Ohio governor signs bill capping voter petition drives | The Raw Story

Dean Baker: Senate Unanimously Votes Against Cuts to Social Security, Media Don't Notice

Dean Baker: Senate Unanimously Votes Against Cuts to Social Security, Media Don't Notice

Housekeeper Who Stole a Bag of Frozen Meatballs Facing As Much Jail Time As Steubenville Rapist | Alternet

Housekeeper Who Stole a Bag of Frozen Meatballs Facing As Much Jail Time As Steubenville Rapist | Alternet

How the Court Could Rule on Same-Sex Marriage - Graphic -

How the Court Could Rule on Same-Sex Marriage - Graphic -

Modern Love - A Father, a Son and a Fighting Chance -

Modern Love - A Father, a Son and a Fighting Chance -

ERA History Influences Current Political Debate

ERA History Influences Current Political Debate

So Who are the Democratic Senate Hold-Outs on Marriage Equality?| News | Towleroad

So Who are the Democratic Senate Hold-Outs on Marriage Equality?| News | Towleroad

Gay rights advocates give conservative SCOTUS justices a hard push

Gay rights advocates give conservative SCOTUS justices a hard push

How the Maker of TurboTax Fought Free, Simple Tax Filing | Mother Jones

How the Maker of TurboTax Fought Free, Simple Tax Filing | Mother Jones

Daily Kos: Bauer on surveys showing support for marriage equality: 'The polls are skewed'

Cuz they have had such good success lately interpreting polls :)

Southern Methodist University suspends Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity -

Southern Methodist University suspends Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity -

“Montanans believe...

“Montanans believe...

Louisiana Judge Rules That Violent Felons Have Gun Rights Too | Mother Jones

Louisiana Judge Rules That Violent Felons Have Gun Rights Too | Mother Jones

Daily Kos: Republican attacks on labor board haven't just broken government, they've broken lives

Daily Kos: Republican attacks on labor board haven't just broken government, they've broken lives

GOP leadership: Texas will defend conservative values,... |

GOP leadership: Texas will defend conservative values,... |

“Over our dead bodies are we going to let this state turn blue,” said Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst

Sounds good to me! :)

Fingers Crossed

Gay rights advocates give conservative SCOTUS justices a hard push

The 52%: Republican support for same sex marriage is growing — MSNBC

The 52%: Republican support for same sex marriage is growing — MSNBC

DEAR SCALIA: YOLO (#scotusyolo) | TPM Editors Blog

DEAR SCALIA: YOLO (#scotusyolo) | TPM Editors Blog

Restrictive abortion laws sweep the country: How far will it go? - The War Room // Current TV

Restrictive abortion laws sweep the country: How far will it go? - The War Room // Current TV

At Supreme Court, Marriage Equality Foes' Best Argument Is That They're Losing | Mother Jones

At Supreme Court, Marriage Equality Foes' Best Argument Is That They're Losing | Mother Jones

Dear Right-Wingers, Here's How to NOT Seem Racist | Alternet

Dear Right-Wingers, Here's How to NOT Seem Racist | Alternet


BBC News - Whole internet probed for insecure devices

Monday, March 25, 2013

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: The CFAA, America's awful computer-crime law, might be getting a whole lot worse.

Trust Congress to fuck a bad thing up even worse...

'And Hell Followed With Her' is Out Today -- And the Rush Is On | Crooks and Liars

'And Hell Followed With Her' is Out Today -- And the Rush Is On | Crooks and Liars

Looks Good

Drone Warfare Isn't Cheap, and it Isn't Targeted | Mother Jones

Drone Warfare Isn't Cheap, and it Isn't Targeted | Mother Jones

The Republican Party’s Ratings Now Stand at a 20-Year Low

The Republican Party’s Ratings Now Stand at a 20-Year Low

I Don't Like Being Lied To — Neither Did This Documentary Crew

I Don't Like Being Lied To — Neither Did This Documentary Crew

It's back, and worse than ever.

Senate Agrees "Too Big To Jail" Should Die | Mother Jones

NIce step, but I'll believe it when I see it!

White Student Union Proposed At Towson University By Matthew Heimbach Sparks Controversy

White Student Union Proposed At Towson University By Matthew Heimbach Sparks Controversy

If you're in Houston, RUN!!!!!!

Vial of easily weaponized virus goes missing in Texas | The Raw Story

Are aircraft carriers about to become an endangered species in the United States? | The Raw Story

Bet on it, after a TITANIC (p.i.) struggle with Navy Brass.

A Reminder for Tomorrow...

The State Of Gay Marriage In America 2013 | TPM Media


Always on the wrong side of history.

Beaver Co. Sheriff George David indicted over blogger threats -

Beaver Co. Sheriff George David indicted over blogger threats -

OOPS: Fox News Peddles Conspiracy Theory It Already Debunked | ThinkProgress

Stupid is as stupid does... and it does it over and over.

NYC’s Bloomberg, NRA Chief, Spar on Gun Control | New York City | United States | Epoch Times

NYC’s Bloomberg, NRA Chief, Spar on Gun Control | New York City | United States | Epoch Times

Two of the loudest voices in the gun debate say it’s up to voters now to make their position known to Congress.

The Trader Joe's Lesson: How to Pay a Living Wage and Still Make Money in Retail - Sophie Quinton - The Atlantic

The Trader Joe's Lesson: How to Pay a Living Wage and Still Make Money in Retail - Sophie Quinton - The Atlantic

Sen. Mark Warner Announces Support For Marriage Equality | TPM LiveWire

Sen. Mark Warner Announces Support For Marriage Equality | TPM LiveWire

Thirteen Offensive Things Justice Scalia's Compared To Homosexuality | ThinkProgress

How did this human waste dump get confirmed?

Scalia Says Marriage Views Not Affected by Lifelong Fear of Gays : The New Yorker

Scalia Says Marriage Views Not Affected by Lifelong Fear of Gays : The New Yorker

:) Gotta love Borowitz

Daily Kos: Anti-gay groups attempt to create 'new' truth about same-sex family research

Daily Kos: Anti-gay groups attempt to create 'new' truth about same-sex family research

Fox's Charles Payne Ignores Financial Facts To Compare The U.S. To Cyprus | Blog | Media Matters for America

Fox's Charles Payne Ignores Financial Facts To Compare The U.S. To Cyprus | Blog | Media Matters for America

Iraq Hawks Don't Realize: They're to Blame for America's War Weariness - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Iraq Hawks Don't Realize: They're to Blame for America's War Weariness - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

Gay Activist Schools Tony Perkins: LGBT People Won't 'Use Up All the Marriage Licenses' | Video Cafe

Gay Activist Schools Tony Perkins: LGBT People Won't 'Use Up All the Marriage Licenses' | Video Cafe

Homeless Vets vs. the VA: An LA Story Continues | The Nation

Homeless Vets vs. the VA: An LA Story Continues | The Nation

The fight in LA to house homeless disabled veterans—on land donated to the government for them—has moved to the courts.

Fired New Republic Journalist Worries Owner Might Have 'More Money Than Sense' | TPM LiveWire

Fired New Republic Journalist Worries Owner Might Have 'More Money Than Sense' | TPM LiveWire

Yep, 1st Debate Freaked Them Out Too | TPM Editors Blog

Yep, 1st Debate Freaked Them Out Too | TPM Editors Blog


GOP Opposition Researcher Names Drudge As A Propaganda Dumping Ground | Blog | Media Matters for America

Donglegate: How One Brogrammer's Sexist Joke Led to Death Threats and Firings | Mother Jones

Political Correctness runs amok. Everyone calm the fuck down. If you can't take a joke (that isn't even direct to or aimed at you), shut the fuck up.

Austerity’s forgotten victims: State universities -

Austerity’s forgotten victims: State universities -

Daily Kos: Reporter asks Calgary Cruz if he admires Joe McCarthy. Cruz refuses to answer.

Daily Kos: Reporter asks Calgary Cruz if he admires Joe McCarthy. Cruz refuses to answer.

Claire McCaskill Backs Gay Marriage

Claire McCaskill Backs Gay Marriage

Send a Message to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner: No Budget Deal on the Backs of the Elderly, the Children, the Sick and the Poor. | Friends of Bernie Sanders

Send a Message to President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner: No Budget Deal on the Backs of the Elderly, the Children, the Sick and the Poor. | Friends of Bernie Sanders

Peggy Noonan: GOP Hasn't Grappled With Major Failures of the Bush Era | Crooks and Liars

Peggy Noonan: GOP Hasn't Grappled With Major Failures of the Bush Era | Crooks and Liars

OpEdNews Article: Article: The Paul Ryan Magical Mystery Chop, Dice, and Slice Budget

OpEdNews Article: Article: The Paul Ryan Magical Mystery Chop, Dice, and Slice Budget

The Republicans' latest attempt to subvert the American democracy is proof the Republicans are nothing more than the lackeys of corporate greed at the expense of the rest of us.

"It's been four years since President Bush left office, and the Congressional Republicans who fully embraced the Bush--Cheney policies still haven't learned anything."

Hot Money Blues -

Hot Money Blues - Krugman

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Osmonds Hate Gay Marriage | Alternet

"Now, that singing army of siblings from the ’70s – the Osmonds – is back, this time to defend us from the gays. They’re a little bit country, they’re a little bit rock ‘n’ roll, they’re a little bit anti-marriage equality."

GOP Rebranding? Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Isn't Buying It | Alternet

GOP Rebranding? Fox News Chief Roger Ailes Isn't Buying It | Alternet

Bye, Bye American Dream! U.S. Economic Inequality Is Permanent, Study Finds | Alternet

Bye, Bye American Dream! U.S. Economic Inequality Is Permanent, Study Finds | Alternet

Outrageous -- David Cay Johnston Explains How Big Corporations Withhold Your Taxes and Then Pocket Them | Alternet

Outrageous -- David Cay Johnston Explains How Big Corporations Withhold Your Taxes and Then Pocket Them | Alternet

3 decades of weak Democratic messaging undermined Medicare & Soc. Sec.

3 decades of weak Democratic messaging undermined Medicare & Soc. Sec.

Daily Kos: Anti-leak crusader Rep. Peter King leaks

At what point does his repeated incompetence become prosecutable?

Daily Kos: Family Research Council's bold Supreme Court plan: pray that the other lawyers are dummies

Daily Kos: Family Research Council's bold Supreme Court plan: pray that the other lawyers are dummies


Daily Caller faces new allegations - The Maddow Blog

Friday, March 22, 2013

Michael Moore Explains Why Bush and Cheney Must Be Prosecuted for War Crimes

Michael Moore Explains Why Bush and Cheney Must Be Prosecuted for War Crimes

Wikileaks Was Just a Preview: We're Headed for an Even Bigger Showdown Over Secrets | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

Wikileaks Was Just a Preview: We're Headed for an Even Bigger Showdown Over Secrets | Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

John Boehner Admits President Obama Didn't Want the Sequester Cuts

John Boehner Admits President Obama Didn't Want the Sequester Cuts

The Republican Party Might Not Be Quite Dead Yet | Mother Jones

The Republican Party Might Not Be Quite Dead Yet | Mother Jones

John Boehner: The Corporate Dummy Who Mouths The Message Of His Master

John Boehner: The Corporate Dummy Who Mouths The Message Of His Master

San Francisco club: police tried to force us to install surveillance cameras to spy on our customers | Privacy SOS

San Francisco club: police tried to force us to install surveillance cameras to spy on our customers | Privacy SOS

Texas takes step toward secession with Rick Perry’s plan to hoard gold | The Raw Story

Texas takes step toward secession with Rick Perry’s plan to hoard gold | The Raw Story

Forward Progressives — Republicans Bet Big and Lost

Forward Progressives — Republicans Bet Big and Lost

Beyond Irony: Pat Robertson Warns - Beware of Religious Scam Artists (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party

Beyond Irony: Pat Robertson Warns - Beware of Religious Scam Artists (Video) - Americans Against the Tea Party

Forward Progressives — The Richest Among Us Deserve To Be Exempt From the Horrors of “Shared Sacrifice”

Forward Progressives — The Richest Among Us Deserve To Be Exempt From the Horrors of “Shared Sacrifice”

Rick Perry Helping Democrats Win In Texas | Addicting Info

Rick Perry Helping Democrats Win In Texas | Addicting Info

Iceland Rocks

Senate Opposes ‘Chained CPI’ Cuts to Social Security, Veterans’ Benefits - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

Senate Opposes ‘Chained CPI’ Cuts to Social Security, Veterans’ Benefits - Newsroom: Bernie Sanders - U.S. Senator for Vermont

Crazyface Cuckoopants

The National Memo » This Week In Crazy: March 22nd Edition

The National Memo » This Week In Crazy: March 22nd Edition

Maddow Hilariously Berates the GOP for Their Shameless Flip-Flopping | Alternet

Maddow Hilariously Berates the GOP for Their Shameless Flip-Flopping | Alternet

NY Times Ignores Banks' Latest Role In Distorting The Housing Market | Alternet

NY Times Ignores Banks' Latest Role In Distorting The Housing Market | Alternet

Congress Is About to Make Financial System Even WORSE | The Big Picture

Congress Is About to Make Financial System Even WORSE | The Big Picture

300 guns seized from Long Island home

300 guns seized from Long Island home

Cops seized more than 300 guns and piles of ammo from a house near Centereach High School. Officials say the owner, Jay Steiner, was running an illegal gun business.

(Hey! He was just trying to start his own militia!)

How Many Ways Can Senate Republicans Try to Repeal Obamacare?

More Morons!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Ryan budget and the austerity argument within the GOP

The Ryan budget and the austerity argument within the GOP

Pledging fealty to austerity over all other priorities may well be a very limiting proposition for Republicans eyeing higher office.

What is Socialism? The Root of all Good? | The Allegiant

What is Socialism? The Root of all Good? | The Allegiant

GOP Conservatives Crave Debt Ceiling Standoff With Obama

GOP Conservatives Crave Debt Ceiling Standoff With Obama

Republican leaders may have placated their conservative members long enough to have prevented a catastrophic credit default this winter. But it’s far from clear they’ll be able to repeat that feat when the country’s borrowing authority expires again this summer.

(Shorter GOP- we like looking stupid and mean-spirited!)

Sherrod Brown Goes After the Big Banks | The Nation

Sherrod Brown Goes After the Big Banks | The Nation

The Democratic senator is introducing legislation to break them up, but he’s in an uphill battle—against not only the GOP but his own party.

Microsoft transparency report details law enforcement requests for Skype data and more.

Privacy, schmivacy

Departures - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

Departures - Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic

JAMA Network | JAMA | Ushering in a New Era of Open Science Through Data SharingThe Wall Must Come DownOpen Science Through Data Sharing

JAMA Network | JAMA | Ushering in a New Era of Open Science Through Data SharingThe Wall Must Come DownOpen Science Through Data Sharing

The Osborne Files: Britain's Mr. Austerity Goes Socialist : The New Yorker

The Osborne Files: Britain's Mr. Austerity Goes Socialist : The New Yorker

OpEdNews Article: Article: That's why they call it a Police State

OpEdNews Article: Article: That's why they call it a Police State

As a population we live with an overload of inputs, 9-11, the wars, the shootings and the endless carnage brought about by the political philosophies of those in our government, who are neither Republicans nor Democrats.

Al Gore: My Vision of the Future

Al Gore: My Vision of the Future:

Dianne Feinstein: I won’t ‘play dead’ on assault weapons ban

Dianne Feinstein: I won’t ‘play dead’ on assault weapons ban

Sen. Dianne Feinstein says she won’t “lay down and play dead” on an assault weapons ban after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid revealed the California Democrat’s measure won’t be part of the Senate Democratic gun control plan. “This is very important to me. And I’m not going to lay down and play dead. I think...

Author Of Forthcoming Fox Expose Says He Received Threat Following Latest Attack Piece | Blog | Media Matters for America

Author Of Forthcoming Fox Expose Says He Received Threat Following Latest Attack Piece | Blog | Media Matters for America

Bernie Sanders To Lloyd Blankfein: 'Arrogance Has No End' Flashback

Blankfein needs to start his own retirement- right now.

Bernie Sanders To Lloyd Blankfein: 'Arrogance Has No End' Flashback

Senator Bernie Sanders ripped Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein over his assertions that the government should lower people's expectations and cut entitlements. This is coming from a man who made $16 million last year.

Scientists find visions of a benevolent future society motivate reform | The Raw Story


Saxby Chambliss' Repulsive Response To Gay Marriage | Crooks and Liars

I used to live in GA and I can say unequivocally that he really is this stupid.

The Assault Weapons Ban Ain't Dead Yet | Mother Jones

The Assault Weapons Ban Ain't Dead Yet | Mother Jones

Driver in Texas Shootout Possibly Linked to Colorado Prison Chief Murder - ABC News

Driver in Texas Shootout Possibly Linked to Colorado Prison Chief Murder - ABC News

Instead of Apologizing CNN Is Outraged By the Backlash Over Their Pro-Rapist Coverage

Speaking of assaulting, or at least insulting, women...

GOP will never reach women -

GOP will never reach women - unless it's trying to assail them; then, their reach is pretty good.

Mississippi defends its right to be fattest state

Mississippi defends its right to be fattest state

North Dakota Republican Pols To Protest Anti-Abortion Laws: 'We Have Stepped Over The Line'


Starbucks CEO Comes Out In Favor Of A Minimum Wage Increase | ThinkProgress

Starbucks CEO Comes Out In Favor Of A Minimum Wage Increase | ThinkProgress

Jeff Sessions: Americans 'Die Sooner' But Have Best Health Care In World (VIDEO)

More from Morons on Parade

Sneaky House Bill Would Gut Financial Reform | Mother Jones

Sneaky House Bill Would Gut Financial Reform | Mother Jones

Say Goodbye to Bachmann's Tea Party - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire

Say Goodbye to Bachmann's Tea Party - Elspeth Reeve - The Atlantic Wire

And the Most Outrageous Neocon Iraq War Anniversary Remark Is... | Mother Jones

And the Most Outrageous Neocon Iraq War Anniversary Remark Is... | Mother Jones

Daily Kos: Your Daily Hillary: Leads Bush, Rubio by double digits, in Florida

Run, girl, run! See Hillary run!

Listen: Rush Limbaugh's Sexism Prevents Him From Understanding Beyoncé Lyrics | Alternet


Chris Christie Undecided on Pseudo-'Therapy' Practices that Electrocute Gay Children | Alternet

Chris Christie Undecided on Pseudo-'Therapy' Practices that Electrocute Gay Children | Alternet

The Political Garbage Chute | A Politcalocalypse!

The Chute-r goes ballistic (pun intended!) :)

Rick Perry's $487 Million Corporate Slush Fund Doesn't Need Your Stinkin' Audit | Mother Jones

Rick Perry's $487 Million Corporate Slush Fund Doesn't Need Your Stinkin' Audit | Mother Jones

Highs and Lows

Former Powell chief of staff ‘damn sure the Bush administration cooked the books’ on Iraq | The Raw Story

Former Powell chief of staff ‘damn sure the Bush administration cooked the books’ on Iraq | The Raw Story


Paul Ryan And His Proposed Republican Budget In One Short, Hilarious Clip | Liberals Unite

"Fuck the Poor"

Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum » Douchebag Of The Decade: Donald Rumsfeld

Proud To Be A Filthy Liberal Scum » Douchebag Of The Decade: Donald Rumsfeld

Climate Change Denying Congressman to Head Subcommittee on Climate Change | Mother Jones

Holy fuck, these guys are stupid!

Michele Gets Punked

Thom Hartmann: How the Media Fueled the War in Iraq | Video Cafe

Happy Anniversary... or not

Daily Kos: Poor John Boehner keeps forgetting to be unreasonable, this time on guns

Daily Kos: Poor John Boehner keeps forgetting to be unreasonable, this time on guns

Let's Hope

5 reasons why the American people can't stand the Republican party - Orlando liberal |

5 reasons why the American people can't stand the Republican party - Orlando liberal |

"Pro" Life

West Virginia paper’s anti-LGBT column wants death for ‘n*ggers, spics, kikes and wops’ | The Raw Story


Daily Kos: John Fugelsang Hammers Politicians And Media For Being Wrong: Again!

"Because, my friends, going after Medicare to fix a budget crisis is like going after Iraq when you were attacked by 15 Saudis. "

Senate bill seeks to cut down long mandatory sentences for drug offenses | The Raw Story

Senate bill seeks to cut down long mandatory sentences for drug offenses | The Raw Story

Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing from MSNBC, When Liberal Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices | Democracy Now!

Ah... fun times, fun times...

As Obamacare Turns Three Years Old, Americans Still Have Big Misperceptions About What It Does | ThinkProgress

As Obamacare Turns Three Years Old, Americans Still Have Big Misperceptions About What It Does | ThinkProgress

Tennessee university caves on ‘Sex Week’ after Fox News ‘lesbian bondage’ complaint | The Raw Story

Pussies!!... oh wait, that's what started it all ... :)

White House Petition: Make Lawmakers Wear Logos Of Financial Backers On Clothing, Like In NASCAR


Just Minimum Logic, not Minimum Wage

Capitalism for the Poors

David Sirota: What's the Difference Between a Liberal and a Progressive?

David Sirota: What's the Difference Between a Liberal and a Progressive?

Eight Great Myths About Welfare

Please take the time to read the "Eight Great Myths About Welfare" and SHARE. The next time someone offers an ignorant comment about welfare feel free to offer them the information and sources of this article. Please SHARE.


See Thru Medicine

Fox News: Iraq War 'The Smartest Thing George Bush Did' (VIDEO) | Liberals Unite

Fox Noise! Feel the stupid! Let the burn wash over you!

Smacking Down Right Wing Lies About Labor Nominee Tom Perez | Alternet

Smacking Down Right Wing Lies About Labor Nominee Tom Perez | Alternet

Gawker Publishes George W. Bush's E-mail Address So We Can Wish Him a 'Happy Iraq War Day' | Alternet

LOL... like he can read!

David Brooks vs. Progressives: Genteel Ignorance as Economic Warfare | Alternet

David Brooks vs. Progressives: Genteel Ignorance as Economic Warfare | Alternet

Can Unions Save the Arts and Other 'Creative' Professions? | Alternet

Can Unions Save the Arts and Other 'Creative' Professions? | Alternet

No Forgiveness for Bush’s 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Lead Us into War | Alternet

No Forgiveness for Bush’s 'Useful Idiots,' the Liberal Hawks Who Lead Us into War | Alternet

Tell House Republicans: Stop. | U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Ohio -- Official Campaign Website

Tell House Republicans: Stop. | U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Ohio -- Official Campaign Website 

Sign the petition.

Michele Bachmann Tries To Run Away From CNN's Dana Bash (VIDEO)

LOL As noted below...

Bill O'Reilly Bashes Michele Bachmann For Criticizing Obama's White House Lifestyle (VIDEO)

Wow... O'Reilly says (semi-)nice things about Obama. Beware the end times! :)