Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Random Thought

..while getting ready for sleep. I'm flabbergasted about the whole Ford/AFA thing. I can not, for the life of me understand why Ford caved to these Christonazis (well, given this, maybe I can.) Wildmon and the AFA have announced boycotts of everyone from Proctor and Gamble to American Airlines, from KMart to Kraft, literally dozens of them, with no discernible effect.

And yet, Ford, with some prompting by ex BushCo officials, folded like a house of cards in Hurricane Katrina. It is puzzling. And troubling.

If this whole thing intrigues, or just interests, you, Americablog is the place to be. John is on his high horse about this and is doing some excellent reporting, commenting, and rabble-rousing. In the meantime, call/write Ford and insist they back off this pandering to the worst of the so-called Christians. Jesus would be so proud. And the worst part is, now I can't, in good conscience, buy that Aston Martin I've had my eyes on! Damned globalization!!!

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