Monday, March 10, 2014

Daily Kos :: News Community Action

Daily Kos :: News Community Action

Crazy-man Paul Broun—the "evolution is lies from the pit of hell" guy—is the man Democrats would very, very badly like to see win the Republican nomination for Georgia's open seat Senate race. And whaddya know, a new Public Policy Polling poll for progressive group Better Georgia shows him leading the pack, in a big jump from last August (shown in parentheses): 

Rep. Paul Broun: 27 (19) 

Rep. Phil Gingrey: 14 (25) 

Rep. Jack Kingston: 13 (15) 

Businessman David Perdue: 12 (5) 

Former SoS Karen Handel: 9 (13) 

Activist Derrick Grayson: 3 (3) 

Undecided: 23 (20) 

This is actually the first survey to show Broun with a meaningful lead,

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