Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bill Nye versus Marsha Blackburn on Meet The Press: Climate Change Politics

Bill Nye versus Marsha Blackburn on Meet The Press: Climate Change Politics

...The Sunday morning talking head shows are often useless or worse than useless, as they're almost overwhelmingly skewed to conservative biases, conventional narratives, and insider baseball type commentary, rather than anything directly connected with the real world. 

But, even a blind squirrel sometimes finds an acorn - and the media occasionally lets some air into the room. I suspect Bill Nye's willingness to debate on evolution versus creationism led someone at NBC to see if he'd be willing to 'defend' climate change as well. Paradoxically, Nye's lack of standing as a researcher, academic, or advocate for an organization fighting climate change may have helped him slip through the media filter. As a mere science communicator/entertainer, he could be dismissed as a marginal figure; NBC could put him on the air without risking the dangers of giving a 'real' climate change figure like Bill McKibbon a media platform and legitimacy.

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