Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Give Me A Break

Or at least, give Ed Rendell a break. Yesterday, the PA Gov made a comment that some whites in his state would not vote for a black man for President. And all hell broke loose. Well, let me try some of the same: the sun will come up in the east tomorrow!!!!!

All Rendell said was the truth. Truth sometimes is ugly and hurtful, but it is none the less true for it. There are some, maybe a lot, of people who won't vote for a black for President; there are a lot, maybe more, maybe less, that won't vote for a woman for President. Rendell wasn't saying this was right or wrong, merely fact. Let's not get so lost in the PC woods that we forget that the truth is out there (hmmm, I should copyright that!) and ignoring it or railing at it and killing the messenger won't make it any less true. Let's instead rejoice that there enough enlightened folk in the country to make a black man and a white woman the leading contenders for the Presidency (yeah, yeah, there's a couple of old white guys out there too, but does anyone really want THEM?)

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