Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Come Clean

The Vice Dumbfuck was on Cavuto yesterday and was asked about the torture brouhaha and, of course, lied and evade (I know, I know, you're SHOCKED!). Froomkin has coverage at WaPo that sums it all up pretty well.


So we don't torture -- but what we mean by torture is classified.

How can that possibly be acceptable to the American people?

Here are some questions that should be asked of every White House official, until they answer:

* How do you define torture?

* Name some interrogation techniques that are clearly illegal. Name some that you consider legal.

* Do you think it's acceptable, for either domestic or international consumption, not to define what you mean by torture?

* What sorts of interrogation techniques are and are not acceptable for use on our troops or intelligence agents?

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