Monday, July 24, 2006

CT- Sen Imbroglio

I haven't covered the Liebermann-Lamont primary brouhaha mostly because I don't know enough about CT politics or Lamont to have much of an opinion. That said, I mostly loathe Liebermann for his penchant for acting like a Repug or at the least giving them protective cover from the 'left'.

mcjoan at dKos, has a long column today about the Liebermann side trying to twist Liebermann's attacks on Clinton in l'affaire Lewinsky as a positive for Clinton and the Dems. What hogwash (the argument, not mcjoan's column). I highly recommend the posting.

Her summary says it all:

Well, that is certainly true, for this president, anyway. The next time Lieberman scolds President Bush will be the first. But Lieberman was not always so shy about scolding Presidents:

... (excerpt from the Liebermanners...)

Scolding Presidents does not always go against the grain for Lieberman. But he sees no reason to scold President Bush's performance as "the steward of our freedoms and our values."

President Clinton betrayed his wife. President Bush betrays the Constitution. Lieberman "scolds" the former. He can not be bothered with the latter. Just another reason why Lieberman should be defeated on August 8.

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