Thursday, November 03, 2005

Turn Bill Loose

I don't think anyone watched the entire Parks funeral yesterday (except maybe some low level editors at the various networks). CNN ran snippets off and on throughout the day. One thing struck me (aside from the bizarre speech pattern of the Michigan governor (although she gave a great speech)). Bill Clinton can still flat-out give a hell of speech.

If I were running the DNC, and thank God I'm not, I would have Bubba out there everyday between now and next November, giving a speech on something to anybody who would listen. He'll automatically get press coverage, just 'cuz he's our Bubba, and if he stays wound up, thousands could be converted, or at least convinced. Yeah, he's recent coziness with Poppy Bush is a little disconcerting, but emergencies make for strange bedfellows (or floor instead of bed fellows).

One of the reasons Gore lost was that he distanced himself from the 'damaged' Clinton. It's my opinion that if he'd had Bubba out there, charging the base, and making his persuasive declamations, a few thousand stolen votes in Florida wouldn't have mattered at all. Let Bill be Bill and maybe, just maybe, we can get back the Senate.

And it wouldn't hurt if George Soros bought Diebold!

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