Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CA Initiatives

Okay.... here are my takes on the 8 Props under consideration here in CA. As Kevin says on Political Animal, in general, I'm inclined to vote NO under the best of circumstances, the exception being issues that rise to promotion of rights/elimination of restrictions to rights.

That said, here are my recommendations on the various issues

Prop 73 NO Abortion Restrictions/Parental Notification (1)

Prop 74 NO Teacher Tenure (2)

Prop 75 NO Union Fee Regulation (3)

Prop 76 NO Balanced Budget (4)

Prop 77 NO(ish) Redistricting (5)

Prop 78 NO Prescription Drugs (6)

Prop 79 Yes(ish) Prescription Drugs (6)

Prop 80 Yes Electric Power Issue (7)

(1) While I'm not a rabid pro-abortionist, I'm against restricting choice in almost any case. In a perfect world, an under-18 girl facing this decision would be able to go to her parents and discuss this (in a perfect world, would she be pregnant?) In THIS world, however, there are a lot of less-than-ideal parents, and a lot of circumstances under which this discussion would be impossible, if not dangerous. Therefore, I'm voting no.

(2) This is one I'm iffy on. I think tenure is a necessary evil. Teachers must be free to teach creatively, and thus somewhat free of pressure from the 'powers that be'. However, that tenure should be granted after an extended 'trial run'. If this were proposed and written by the Dems, I'd be more open to it, but considering the source, I'm voting no.

(3) This one is easy. It's a simple political power grab by the right. Limit, if not stifle, unions' ability to make political stands and back it up with ads, etc. If it banned corporate contributions (hey! why is my money in IBM or Exxon any less sacred than a union member's dues?) also, I'd support it. I'm for getting all the outside money out of politics. But, in this case, I'm voting no.

(4) This one is easy also. Again, it's a simple ploy to stifle government (someone please kill Grover Norquist!). I'm voting no.

(5) This is another tough one. One of the key things that I dont like about politics is that our reps have carved out all these 'safe' districts, so we no longer have any moderates in the game. The most rabid (of either extreme), if they win the primaries (and they usually do!), can get elected because the districts are so partisan. This should be remedied and the only way to do this is some form of independent redistricting commissions. Again, if this had come out of the left, I'd be more open to it; but I have to consider who wrote it and who's promoting it. I'm voting no.

(6) I'm not, overall, in favor of either of these. I'll vote yes on 79 and no on 78 simply to try and increase the chances of 78 losing (it's the worse of the two.)

(7) I don't completely understand this one (even after reading a half dozen sites on it, pro and con.) So, I'm doing what I fall back on when not certain in politics: look at who's opposed and who's in favor. On that basis, I'm voting yes.

If you're uncertain, vote no on everything.

The one proposition I'd really get behind, donate money to, and maybe even get out and knock on doors for, is the one that ends that Proposition/Initiative system in CA. We get too many weird ones, too many stupid ones (Prop 13 had ruined CA in so many ways), and too many that pass only to be struck down by constitutional courts. This is the KEY reason the founders opted for representational democracy, not pure democracy, in the first place.

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