Monday, June 30, 2014

Democrats need women to vote, Hobby Lobby will deliver

Democrats need women to vote, Hobby Lobby will deliver

The polling among women already looks brutal for the GOP. 

At this point in 2010, Democrats had a narrow congressional-preference lead with women (44%-43%), and the GOP had a significant advantage with white women (51%-36%). Now? Democrats hold a double-digit with all women (50%-38%), and white women are pretty much a jump ball (GOP 45%, Dems 44%).

Go Bill!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


The right’s absurd World Cup paranoia explained -

The right’s absurd World Cup paranoia explained -

Ann Coulter's ridiculous World Cup claims underline conservatives' growing anxiety about our hyper-connected world


The Compelling Conclusion About Capitalism That Piketty Resists

The Compelling Conclusion About Capitalism That Piketty Resists

The excesses of capitalism are not simply a question of bad management and a political unwillingness to properly regulate it by imposing the right sort of checks and balances, but symptoms of a fundamentally and irretrievably flawed system that tends toward destruction of human and other life.

I don't agree entirely, but I can see their point.

Save the bullets and spare the troops... way to go, Mr Prez!

Certainly, the GOP kind...

Watch: Pres. Obama Drops His Guard, Says What’s On His Mind About Republicans | Occupy Democrats

Watch: Pres. Obama Drops His Guard, Says What’s On His Mind About Republicans | Occupy Democrats

White Gun Nuts To Carry Weapons Through Black Neighborhood - Liberals Unite | Liberals Unite

White Gun Nuts To Carry Weapons Through Black Neighborhood - Liberals Unite | Liberals Unite

They do know that many, if not most, of gangs have fully automatic weapons, don't they? I think their hoped for (if unspoken) desire for a confrontation of some sort, where they get to play Rambo, will turn out badly for them. Just hope it's caught on video :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Republicans Finally Have A Poster Boy For Voter Fraud (But Scott Walker Won't Like It) - The National Memo

Republicans Finally Have A Poster Boy For Voter Fraud (But Scott Walker Won't Like It) - The National Memo

For years, Wisconsin Republicans have warned that voter fraud is a scourge that threatens the very survival of democracy in their state.

Supreme Court Justices Limit Police Right to Search Cellphones

Supreme Court Justices Limit Police Right to Search Cellphones

It always makes me nervous when this Court gets one right... it means they're about to blow one, usually a more important one. So, stand by for corporations to be granted religious beliefs in Hobby Lobby or some other bizarre twisting of jurisprudence to the Dark Side. That said, they did get THIS one right.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a New... - Political Loudmouth

"A federal judge has ruled in favor of a New... - Political Loudmouth

Good! Make them all attend school on a barge
in the middle of the Hudson. With both parents there too. Shoot anyone
trying to get off after <fill in the blank> breaks out. Solves
THAT problem. Oh, Jenny, the school 'boat' is heeeeere....

Bill Maher mocks Clinton smears by telling The View about Karl Rove’s ‘murdered gay lover’

Bill Maher mocks Clinton smears by telling The View about Karl Rove’s ‘murdered gay lover’

Let's make this the number one trender all over the net... karlrovesmurderedgaylover (hell just the hashtag will overwhelm twitter!) I'm just puttin' it out there... :)

Isn't sedition a crime? - Political Loudmouth

Isn't sedition a crime? - Political Loudmouth

Can we put just one of these asswipes in jail for violating one of the laws they're breaking? Treason? Sedition? Calling for the armed overthrow, etc? C'mon... Jindal's not a rich white guy, go for him... we'll all feel better in the morning :)

How About We Worry About Our Own Suicide Bombers? | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

How About We Worry About Our Own Suicide Bombers? | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

If you compare the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s sectarian gathering last week to the interminable violence in Iraq between Shi’as and Sunnis, it’s very clear, true democracy cannot exist where religion is paramount. It’s simply antithetical. There can’t be a mandatory worship of some version of religious fables, while attempting to grant democratic rights to all.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Neocons’ stunning revisionism: Why they’re still divorced from reality explains Eric Alterman

Neocons’ stunning revisionism: Why they’re still divorced from reality explains Eric Alterman

Peter Bergen, CNN's national security reporter, writes a poignant column, entitled Bush's toxic legacy in Iraq, where he notes that under the guise of eliminating al Qaeda from Iraq George W. Bush introduced, and entrenched, al Qaeda into the region.

House passes NSA limits in surprise vote

House passes NSA limits in surprise vote

The House struck a blow for reasonable limits on the NSA's overreaching surveillance Thursday, passing an amendment to the 2015 Defense appropriations bill from Reps. James Sensenbrenner (R-WI), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), and others that would limit "backdoor searches." The amendment passed easily, 293-123.


It was only a matter of time ... Dick Cheney criticizes Obama on Iraq

It was only a matter of time ... Dick Cheney criticizes Obama on Iraq

The war in Iraq cost 4,489 American servicemen their lives. More than 32,000 were wounded. More than 100,000 Iraqi citizens died. Remember those numbers. 

In recent days, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, you haven't been able swing a dead cat without hitting one of the architects or cheerleaders of the war in Iraq, declaring that President Obama had snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. And today, it's former Vice President Dick Cheney's turn

NOM's Rally Crashed, Burned, Flopped, Failed, Fizzled, Disintegrated And Imploded All At Once

NOM's Rally Crashed, Burned, Flopped, Failed, Fizzled, Disintegrated And Imploded All At Once


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Watch: Louie Gohmert Condemns Non-Christians to Hell on Floor of Congress | Occupy Democrats

Watch: Louie Gohmert Condemns Non-Christians to Hell on Floor of Congress | Occupy Democrats

In the latest spectacular display from the right, Representative Louie
Gohmert, a Republican from Texas’ 1st District, used taxpayer dollars to
fuel a religious discussion about Hell during a Congressional hearing.
The ideo-theological clash occurred during a hearing held by the
House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice when Gohmert,
unwilling to take a reverend’s title at face value, choose to confront
the faith leader on his beliefs, repeatedly asking him to clarify his
Christian beliefs.

Monday, June 16, 2014

How Our Government's Behavior Post 9-11 Has Thoroughly Trashed the First Amendment | Alternet

How Our Government's Behavior Post 9-11 Has Thoroughly Trashed the First Amendment | Alternet

America has entered its third great era: the post-constitutional one. In the first, in the colonial years, a unitary executive, the King of England, ruled without checks and balances, allowing no freedom of speech, due process, or privacy when it came to protecting his power.

10 Reasons You Should Not Move to Florida—From Floridians Who Know! | Alternet

10 Reasons You Should Not Move to Florida—From Floridians Who Know! | Alternet

Well, apparently, they're fucking themselves! :)

– Bobby Jindal Signs Into Law Texas Style Bill That Will Shut Down Most Abortion Clinics In Louisiana

– Bobby Jindal Signs Into Law Texas Style Bill That Will Shut Down Most Abortion Clinics In Louisiana

My response can be summed up in three words, which, actually apply to almost all news out of there these days...

Let the moronic inbred losers fall away and wither into nothingness (altho Louisiana and Florida won't have time, since they'll be inundated shortly). I mourn the loss of my homeland to brain-eating zombies, but frankly, fuck Texas too! Adieu mes amis.... go quietly, but mostly, go quickly.

No New War: We're Not Going Back to Iraq

No New War: We're Not Going Back to Iraq

John McCain Needs To Shut His Bitter Warhole (VIDEO) | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

John McCain Needs To Shut His Bitter Warhole (VIDEO) | The Everlasting GOP Stoppers

John McCain: Wrong on virtually every major issue since the Vietnam War, and taking every position he can conjure up in hopes of blurring his own record.

You First, Assholes....

Eric Cantor Blames President Obama For His Primary Defeat

Eric Cantor Blames President Obama For His Primary Defeat

Going out with class.... Eric Cantor, typical Repug WhinyAssTittyBaby til the end!

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey - The Washington Post

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey - The Washington Post

There are painful losing streaks that don’t really matter — say, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 26-game disaster in 1976 and 1977 — and losing streaks that really mean something. This one means something.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Asshole Of The Day, Is Tony Perkins Asshole of the Day for saying parents should take their kids out of public school because a principal came out as gay?

Asshole Of The Day, Is Tony Perkins Asshole of the Day for saying parents should take their kids out of public school because a principal came out as gay?

Yes, but Tony could pretty much be Asshole of the Day every day, if we listened closely to him...

Chris Matthews shreds ‘ideologues’ Bush and Cheney for sowing seeds of chaos in Iraq

Chris Matthews shreds ‘ideologues’ Bush and Cheney for sowing seeds of chaos in Iraq

Screwed to the wall of history! Nice turn of phrase, Chris!

Ohio rebels against Obama climate change agenda with energy bill | World news |

Ohio rebels against Obama climate change agenda with energy bill | World news |

Ummm 'We don't like Obama and the damned liberals, so let's drown ourselves in our own filth!' ? I knew Kasich was a bit of a jackass (okay, he's a HUGE jackass...), but I never thought he was a moron. Regardless of your stance on global climate change (ie, either with the science or under water...), where's the sense in not making being more efficient a good thing? I mean efficiency is efficiency, regardless of the politics. 

– A Young Muslim Reporter’s Terrible and Appalling Treatment at Texas GOP Convention

– A Young Muslim Reporter’s Terrible and Appalling Treatment at Texas GOP Convention

Has she not been paying attention for the last forty plus years? What the fuck did she expect? The GOP has descended to level of slime mold and nightcrawling bottom feeders, and the Texas GOP makes the rest of the GOP look like enlightened denizens of FDR's cabinet. I feel her pain, but it was pretty much self-inflicted.

David Brat, the Libertarian Who Beat Eric Cantor, Doesn't Believe in the "Common" Good | Mother Jones

David Brat, the Libertarian Who Beat Eric Cantor, Doesn't Believe in the "Common" Good | Mother Jones

 Hard to believe as Cantor as the voice of moderation, but HOLY FUCK THIS GUY IS BATSHIT CRAZY!

Why Ayatollah Al-Sistani's Iraq Fatwa Is So Important

Why Ayatollah Al-Sistani's Iraq Fatwa Is So Important

The Iranian-born cleric Ayatollah Ali Sistani, Iraq’s most influential religious leader, has issued a fatwa to “all able-bodied Iraqis” to defend the country, days after the radical Sunni Islamist group ISIS captured the city of Mosul and advanced south toward Baghdad, the capital. 

Sistani, a Shia who worships in the holy city of Najaf, is considered one of Iraq’s most respected leaders. His fatwa, or religious ruling, is expected to galvanize a significant movement from within Iraq’s majority-Shia population. Al-Sistani is, after all, the most influential voice for Iraq's estimated 20 million Shia faithful.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thank God climate change is gonna wash half these fucked up states away

Adam Smith is Spinning in his Grave!

Gooooooh, Canada!

How do you think they got the Soylent Green?!?!?!


Republican Sen. Thad Cochran: As a kid, I did ‘all kinds of indecent things with animals’

Republican Sen. Thad Cochran: As a kid, I did ‘all kinds of indecent things with animals’

Thanks, Thad.... a) TMI and b) no real surprise.

This Week In Crazy: Gay People Should Be Stoned To Death, And The Rest Of The Worst Of The Right - The National Memo

This Week In Crazy: Gay People Should Be Stoned To Death, And The Rest Of The Worst Of The Right - The National Memo

If it's the weekend, it's time for the week's crazies to be honored!

As Iraq Implodes, Neocons Still Have No Plan Except 'Blame Obama' - The National Memo

As Iraq Implodes, Neocons Still Have No Plan Except 'Blame Obama' - The National Memo

Divided between neoconservative ultra-hawks and libertarian isolationists, today’s Republican Party is hardly a steady influence on American foreign policy. But there is one thing that can be reliably expected from every right-wing faction in Washington: Whenever disaster threatens, they eagerly cast blame on Barack Obama – and utter any falsehood that may be used to castigate him.

The GOP's Distraction Meme: The 'Real' Scandal Is Always Another One

The GOP's Distraction Meme: The 'Real' Scandal Is Always Another One

For conservatives, all roads seem to lead to Benghazi, but they have encountered a few distractions along the way. 

Earlier in June, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) suggested that President Obama ignited a new controversy by negotiating for the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in order to detract from the real VA scandal. 

This tactic is not new for the right. Conservatives constantly cry "distraction" when the media covers an issue unrelated to their scandal du jour.

Be sure to click thru to the Jon Stewart clip

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Rick Perry Compares Being Gay To Being An Alcoholic

Rick Perry Compares Being Gay To Being An Alcoholic

Hey, Texas! Aren't you glad he's almost done? Not that Greg Abbott's any prize, but he can at least actually speak and make sentences in English (I'm not saying the sentences make sense, just that they are fully formed!) But I, for one, and I'm sure, large chunks of Texas, are looking forward to seeing Rickies backside as he rides off into the sunset.

Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

The outlook isn't good thanks to the makeup of the court (still feeling good about voting for Reagan cuz he seemed nice and strong and...blahblahblah...?).  They're likely to crush the contraception mandate in ACA and further enable Repug roadblocks to Presidential nominations by limiting the President's ability to make 'recess' appointments. Ugh.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eric Cantor got what he deserved: A political fraud’s stunning demise -

Eric Cantor got what he deserved: A political fraud’s stunning demise -

Around 8 p.m. MSNBC began running B-roll footage of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor as though he died, and, well, he did politically. None of the major networks were prepared to cover a major election upset. In a GOP primary season where the big story had been the GOP establishment beating back the Tea Party, the story turned on a dime with Cantor’s stunning defeat. He is the first majority leader in history to lose in a primary in his own party since 1899.


Senate Votes Down Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Bill - Yahoo News

Senate Votes Down Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Bill - Yahoo News

Fuck it, they're only apolitical kids who don't vote anyway, right?

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.

Oklahoma Tea Party candidate Scott Esk supports stoning gay people to death.

It's okay... the Flying Spaghetti Monster says it's okay to behead stupid people, all us Pastafarians just got a tax deductible for religious reasons trip to Oklahoma!!!

Is It Possible That Eric Cantor Just Wasn't Conservative Enough?

Is It Possible That Eric Cantor Just Wasn't Conservative Enough?

The night of Barack Obama’s inauguration in January 2009, a group of 15 or so Republican lawmakers gathered at the Caucus Room, a high-end D.C. restaurant, to plot ways to thwart the newly-elected president’s agenda. 

Among the crowd was Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Va.), who lost his primary campaign for reelection on Tuesday night.

Goodbye Eric Cantor! (and Good Riddance!) | DCCC

Goodbye Eric Cantor! (and Good Riddance!) | DCCC

Tell Congress to Support the Unlocking Technology Act - Public Knowledge

Tell Congress to Support the Unlocking Technology Act - Public Knowledge

– Billionaire Gets 4 MONTHS For Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Because He’s ‘Productive’

– Billionaire Gets 4 MONTHS For Sexually Assaulting 12-Year-Old Because He’s ‘Productive’

Justice may be blind, but apparently, she accepts Visa....

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Don't Cross the Line!

(From: Republican Bigotry, Hate, Fear, Lies and Distortion)

The Tea Party Falls Flat: How Lindsey Graham Survived A Right-Wing Challenge - The National Memo

The Tea Party Falls Flat: How Lindsey Graham Survived A Right-Wing Challenge - The National Memo

Meanwhile, outside of Texas (iyee!), the Teahadis continue their slow slide into also-rans.

The GOP's Texas Lt. Gov Nominee Shows How The Tea Party Is Flourishing In Texas

The GOP's Texas Lt. Gov Nominee Shows How The Tea Party Is Flourishing In Texas

One of the best ways to describe what's been going on with the tea party in Texas is to look at state Sen. Dan Patrick, the newly minted Republican nominee for lieutenant governor who became the latest tea party favorite to defeat Lt. Gov David Dewhurst last month (Ted Cruz did the same thing in 2012).

Look at that pic! What a goober!

Monday, June 09, 2014

Ted Cruz for president, say Texas Republicans, among other crazy things

Ted Cruz for president, say Texas Republicans, among other crazy things

Did I tell you they were crazy? Did you listen?

George Will: Being a victim of sexual assault is a “coveted status that confers privileges” -

George Will: Being a victim of sexual assault is a “coveted status that confers privileges” -

I've always said Will was an idiot but it's sad to see it proved so publicly.

The Definitive Guide to Every Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory (So Far) | Mother Jones

The Definitive Guide to Every Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory (So Far) | Mother Jones

It must be tiring to be the font of all evil on Planet Hill... I mean Planet Earth!

These Words Are So Overused They've Become Meaningless

These Words Are So Overused They've Become Meaningless

This post is literally unbelievable! ;)

Interests, Ideology And Climate -

Interests, Ideology And Climate -

There are three things we know about man-made global warming. First, the consequences will be terrible if we don’t take quick action to limit carbon emissions. Second, in pure economic terms the required action shouldn’t be hard to take: emission controls, done right, would probably slow economic growth, but not by much. Third, the politics of action are nonetheless very difficult. 

But why is it so hard to act? Is it the power of vested interests?

Saturday, June 07, 2014

D-Day Today?

A Tea Party Edge in Mississippi

A Tea Party Edge in Mississippi

Why Chris McDaniel - even wackier than Rand Paul or Ted Cruz -- could be headed to the Senate.

WATCH: Joe Conason Discusses Bergdahl Controversy On MSNBC's 'The Reid Report' - The National Memo

WATCH: Joe Conason Discusses Bergdahl Controversy On MSNBC's 'The Reid Report' - The National Memo

Have Republicans found their new #Benghazi? Find out in this video from MSNBC's Reid Report.

This Week In Crazy: Obamacare Is Worse Than 9/11, And The Rest Of The Worst Of The Right - The National Memo

This Week In Crazy: Obamacare Is Worse Than 9/11, And The Rest Of The Worst Of The Right - The National Memo

Here's this week in crazytown! Beware the Gay Gestapo... they're out to get you, but those lavender uniforms are SMASHING!!!

After East Ukraine, Activists Say New President Poroshenko Must Tackle Corruption

After East Ukraine, Activists Say New President Poroshenko Must Tackle Corruption

Ukraine's new President Petro Poroshenko isn't facing just pro-Russian separatists. Corruption is the other big threat.

How Eric Cantor's Killing Immigration Reform - The National Memo

How Eric Cantor's Killing Immigration Reform - The National Memo

Even the most popular, bipartisan plans can't get past the obstinate majority leader.

GOP Candidates Are Seeing Obamacare In A Different Light - The National Memo

GOP Candidates Are Seeing Obamacare In A Different Light - The National Memo

So much for the landslide; Republicans are suddenly running scared from the politics of health care. 

Syphillis 2016!

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Joe Arpaio investigates DOJ and the judge who found him guilty of racial profiling

Joe Arpaio investigates DOJ and the judge who found him guilty of racial profiling

Can you say vindictive peckerhead? Of course you can: "Sheriff Joe Arpaio."

Bergdahl is now Exhibit A in the right-wing media bubble

Bergdahl is now Exhibit A in the right-wing media bubble

McCain, other Republicans called for Obama to get Bergdahl's release, then condemned it

McCain, other Republicans called for Obama to get Bergdahl's release, then condemned it

You do know that they're just petulant lunatics, right?

Jeez, I hope those 10 guys with AR-15s in this restaurant don't have keychains! GunFAIL LXXI

Jeez, I hope those 10 guys with AR-15s in this restaurant don't have keychains! GunFAIL LXXI

...The second two non-qualifying stories aren't accidents at all, but are your basic "armed society, polite society" stories: a Pennsylvania man who shot another to death over a plate of food, and two armed groups of campers in Alaska, one of which confronted the other about some unspecified "concern" about their guns, whereupon the second group replied by gunning down a member of the first group, which naturally prompted the other member of the first group to gun down the shooter from the second group. See? They took turns, so that equals polite. This is not really a failure of the old armed/polite construction, though, since all that really posits is that the alternative to politeness is mutually assured destruction. These gents merely made a rational decision in opting for the destruction. Don't even try to tell me you don't think this could just as easily happened among neighbors who both have swimming pools!

IU ... WTF, Ohio?

IU ... WTF, Ohio?

Well, isn't this special. The Ohio legislature is, of course, considering more legislation to ban insurance coverage for abortion in public and private insurance (because women can't be trusted to make the right decisions with their own money) but also that would ban insurance plans from covering "drugs or devices used to prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum." That would include, yes, the most widely used forms of effective birth control, the pill and IUDs.

Dear Corrupt Politicians: That Sound You Hear Is Us Winning

Dear Corrupt Politicians: That Sound You Hear Is Us Winning

“The Democratic-led Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday began a long-shot bid at pushing a constitutional amendment that would limit deep-pocketed political campaign donors’ influence.

Weirdos, dopes and break-ins: What’s going on with the Mississippi Tea Party? -

Weirdos, dopes and break-ins: What’s going on with the Mississippi Tea Party? -

Mississippi Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel's supporters keep acting... suspiciously. Why GOP may have a problem

Reset the Net

Sorry. the graphic doesn't resize, but it's on the linked page

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Fearing Rising Backlash, NRA Urges Gun Activists to Stand Down | Mother Jones

Fearing Rising Backlash, NRA Urges Gun Activists to Stand Down | Mother Jones

Let's hope they don't all start shooting at each other :)

Keep peeing in the pool?! Climate deniers lose their minds after new EPA rules -

Keep peeing in the pool?! Climate deniers lose their minds after new EPA rules -

Great article. You can almost see the eye-rolls and the air quotes as you read :)

Public says they won't vote for a climate change-denying president

Public says they won't vote for a climate change-denying president

Republicans confuse #Bergdahl! with #Benghazi! and demand answers from Hillary

Republicans confuse #Bergdahl! with #Benghazi! and demand answers from Hillary

Trust Republicans to tip their politicizing of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's release over into the realm of parody within mere days. For real, without having dropped any of their other lines of attack, Republicans are now demanding to know what Hillary Clinton knew. After all, she had lunch with President Obama a few days before Bergdahl's release! And if she runs for president, she's poised to kick the Republican nominee's ass in 2016, so ... 

“If Mrs. Clinton remains politically active, people will want to know what her advice was on the subject,” said Sen. Jeff Sessions (Ala.), a senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Koff Koff What smog?

– Republican Pastor Says Coming of Christ Causing Climate Change (VIDEO)

– Republican Pastor Says Coming of Christ Causing Climate Change (VIDEO)

The only possible response is ... oh Jesus! (facepalm)

The 6 Most Ridiculous Responses To Obama's New Climate Rules | ThinkProgress

The 6 Most Ridiculous Responses To Obama's New Climate Rules | ThinkProgress

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency unveiled the first draft of regulations requiring coal-fired power plants to reduce their greenhouse-gas emissions, the most ambitious move yet by the Obama Administration to combat one of the main drivers behind climate change. 

 Republicans (and several coal-friendly Democrats), for the most part, were not happy.

The House Science Committee Declares The IPCC Report Is Not Science

The House Science Committee Declares The IPCC Report Is Not Science

Spearheaded by <drumroll>......................................wait for it...........................a Texan!! Whatta surprise!